Most 2d barcodes vs. qr codes related news are at:

Artificial Leaf Turns Water into Energy, Very Cheap, New Source of Energy 31 Mar 2011 | 07:24 am
A team of researchers at MIT’s Nocera Lab, headed by Dr. Daniel Nocera, claim that they have invented a durable playing-card sized artificial leaf using inexpensive and readily available such as silic...
Burn/Create Category (label) specific feeds for Blogger/Blogspot Blogs 11 Sep 2010 | 02:52 pm
Similar Queries : How to burn or create category/label specific feeds ? How my site visitors can subscribe to read category specific post ? How to create different feeds for Categories in Blogger / Bl...
More 2d barcodes vs. qr codes related news:
二维码常用数据格式 22 Aug 2012 | 04:32 pm
二维码(2D barcode or QR code=Quick reference code)如今大家再熟悉不过了,用手机拍下二维码可以方便地获取网址、手机号码以及个人联系方式等等有用的资讯;什么是二维码?如果你不知道的话,直接问百度拉;笔者今天想为大家介绍下二维码中存储数据的格式,有心的你一定能用上^_^。 网址 (URL) 包含网址的二维码是大家平时最常接触到的(例如:http://www.c...
QR Codes, Real Estate and You! 5 Jun 2011 | 06:47 pm
A QR (Quick Response) code is a machine-readable 2D image, similar to a barcode. These codes can be read by scanners or by smart phone applications, by directing the phone’s camera lens at the code....
QR code vs Microsoft Tag vs Data Matrix 19 Jun 2012 | 04:26 pm
The term "QR code" is popularly used to refer to oil types of 2D barcode - that is, barcodes that encode their information in a matrix of pixels, rather than a series of vertical stripes. Technically,...
The Rise and Rise of the QR Code 8 Aug 2012 | 06:04 pm
The QR code, short for Quick Response Code, is a 2D barcode that was originally developed for use in manufacturing by the Japanese Denso company in the early 90’s. In the last 5 years its use in marke...
The Rise and Rise of the QR Code 8 Aug 2012 | 06:04 pm
The QR code, short for Quick Response Code, is a 2D barcode that was originally developed for use in manufacturing by the Japanese Denso company in the early 90’s. In the last 5 years its use in marke...
QuickMark - An Easy-to-Use Barcode/QR Code Scanner for PC, Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android 10 Feb 2013 | 08:56 pm
QuickMark for PC is a powerful, yet easy to use PC application that lets you decode multiple popular 2D & 1D barcode formats via a image file (drag & drop), a screen capture, or your webcam. Not only ...
New Product Update: QR-Code for ActiveX Control 1 Jun 2012 | 06:30 pm
In June 2012, IDAutomation released an update to their 2D ActiveX Control to include the QR-Code barcode. The latest package can be downloaded with a new purchase or an active priority support and upg...
Umfrage: QR-Codes im Kulturbetrieb 24 May 2013 | 03:58 pm
GASTBEITRAG VON LISA LIETZ / LiveQR Überall sieht man sie: QR-Codes. Egal ob auf Plakaten, Flyern oder Großflächen QR-Codes begegnen uns überall. Die 2D-Barcodes werden nicht nur von Unternehmen e...
Umfrage: QR-Codes im Kulturbetrieb 24 May 2013 | 03:58 pm
GASTBEITRAG VON LISA LIETZ / LiveQR Überall sieht man sie: QR-Codes. Egal ob auf Plakaten, Flyern oder Großflächen QR-Codes begegnen uns überall. Die 2D-Barcodes werden nicht nur von Unternehmen ein...