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Vendo Corsa - Complete: Scott BICI DA CORSA SCOTT CON MAVIC COSMIC 27 Aug 2013 | 04:52 pm
Vendo Corsa - Complete: Specialized sl2 27 Aug 2013 | 04:51 pm
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Deciding Between Cannondale Mountain Bikes for Sale 17 Apr 2011 | 11:44 pm
Cannondale is a leading international manufacturer of different kinds of bikes, including mountain bikes. When shopping for Cannondale mountain bikes for sale, it helps to browse their selection and m...
Con la denominación de Big Ride se presenta un nuevo circuito de Enduro que debuta en la presente temporada y que nace bajo el amparo de la marca estadounidense Cannondale. En este caso invitamos a tr...
Ivan Basso sera au départ 20 Apr 2012 | 07:07 pm
La liste des favoris pour le Tour de Romandie s'élargit. L'équipe italienne Liquigas-Cannondale, qui occupe actuellement la 3e place du WorldTour, a en effet annoncé dans sa sélection la présence d'Iv...
Fous Goes GREEN! Trading in the Maserati for a Cannondale 23 Mar 2012 | 05:31 am
Yes its true. Im likely giving my Maserati quattroporte back to to put up for consignment and going ECO-trader on this worlds ass. My cousin called me up 2 days ago and was all hype...
Á espera... 30 Nov 2010 | 10:36 pm
...que pare de chover, para testar a novíssima Cannondale Flash Ultimate 2011. Ela até pode não se importar com a chuva, mas eu não gosto! Permalink | Leave a comment »
More Bad Boys - The story of a new bike genre 29 Jan 2011 | 03:52 am
This post is about the creation of a new bike genre that started in 1999 with the emergence of the Cannondale Bad Boy. The initial design brief was for a training bike for Volvo-Cannondale riders that...
Elia Viviani premiato a Roma dal Coni per i successi in pista 29 Dec 2011 | 02:07 pm
Giornata di festa per la Liquigas-Cannondale. Il ventiduenne velocista e pistard Elia Viviani sarà premiato a Roma con il Giro d’Onore, ambito riconoscimento che il Coni e la Federazione Ciclistica It...
An old friend turns 10,000 13 Apr 2012 | 08:10 am
Today on the way home from work my Cannondale Road Warrior 700 clocked up its 10,000th kilometre. In truth it has probably done a lot more than that with all the times the speedometer wasn’t working o...
Cannondale Full Suspension Mountain Bikes 23 Feb 2011 | 06:57 am
Cannondale full suspension mountain bikes have been completely revamped for the 2011 season. New designs combine elements from the popular Jekyll frame to create competitive full suspension bikes with...
Five Ten Sam Hill Mountain Bike Shoes 29 Oct 2011 | 12:23 pm
I'm a platform pedal kind of guy except for a short stint riding my brothers Cannondale racing bike during my high school days. Clip-in pedals have always scared me for some reason and wearing clip-in...