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5 popular tourist occasion 10/3 6 Mar 2012 | 05:17 pm
5 destinations in the country, including Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, Mui Ne, Ha Giang, Da Nang is the choice of many visitors during the death anniversary of Hung King – 10/3 years. Accordingly, many visito...
Attractive cluster tours for fall and winter 4 Dec 2011 | 08:52 am
Autumn and winter this year, visitors can participate in excursions journey as the South (Phu Quoc – Ho Chi Minh City – Dai Nam tourist area), discover the land of a million elephants or conquer the r...
Nha Trang Travel guide 18 Feb 2012 | 05:19 pm
Nha Trang is Vietnam’s most famous seaside resort-town. It’s more lively and urban in character than other beach destinations like Mui Ne and Phu Quoc. It’s also the scuba diving center of Vietnam. Vi...
Shoppen,boarische Schweinshaxn und a gscheids Bier 20 Nov 2011 | 06:26 am
Nach unserem sehr entspannten Sonnentanken auf Phu Quoc ging es gestern in der Frueh mit einem kaputten Flugzeug auf nach Saigon (Ho Chi Minh Stadt). Vor dem Flug hiess es, der Start wuerde sich noch ...
Wir baumeln mit der Seele.. 15 Nov 2011 | 10:47 am
..hier auf Phu Quoc. Da euch der miesepetrige November heimgesucht hat, ersparen wir euch die Fotos vom kristallklaren, palmengesaeumten Meer, der waermenden Sonne und unseren Sommerklamotten :) Wir ...
Construction of Tran Thai Marina & Resort in Phu Quoc District 20 Sep 2011 | 02:45 pm
Another resort under construction in Phu Quoc District Tran Thai Real Estate Ltd. Co. has started the construction of Tran Thai Marina & Resort in Ganh Gio Village, Duong Dong Town, Phu Quoc District...
Save 35% at the Centara Chen Resort Phu Quoc Island 24 May 2012 | 02:54 pm
Save 35% off best available rates at the Centara Chen Sea Resort & Spa Phu Quoc from May 1 – September 30, 2012. The discounted rates are USD114 for a Seaview Villa, USD134 for a Beachfront Villa, USD...
Introduction Phu Quoc Island - Vietnam Travel 20 Apr 2012 | 03:02 pm
The Page has been updated by thietkeweb.
Island development lures projects 23 Nov 2011 | 10:25 pm
A master plan to develop Phu Quoc Island to 2030 is creating a lot of investor interest, the Construction Ministry and the Kien Giang People’s Committee sai Bui Ngoc Suong, chairman of the local peop...
結婚十週年之旅﹙二﹚— Phu Quoc 16 May 2010 | 04:15 am
上次提到,Phu Quoc個resort正到痺,咁有冇D唔好嘅地方呢?答案係「有」! 首先,Phu Quoc仲未好旺,D人唔係個個識英文,酒店唔會有問題,但出外就可能有D「騎呢」,呢樣要留意。又因為呢道仲未好旺,nightlife欠奉,喜歡夜蒲的你要想清楚。但又因為呢道仲未好旺,你係可以好寧靜咁﹑認真咁渡假。另外,個島到今日都只係有三﹑四條鋪好了的馬路,有D resort或hotel外面仲係爛路﹑...