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What are my chances of getting into University of Pittsburgh? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm
I'm currently a freshman in college and I am looking to transfer to University of Pittsburgh (main campus). I was accepted when I applied as a senior in high school. What are my chances to getting acc...
Does this look impressive? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
Some students and I petitioned to start a computing class (comp sci) in our school. Denied cuz we didnt have enough students as school policy requires min 10. Well, i decided to self study and give th...
More Service Academy Forums related news:
The James Home Services Franchisees Forum 4 Mar 2012 | 06:25 pm
The James Home Services Franchisees Forum In a little over 18 months James Master Lies has clocked up almost 130,000 page views and over 2,000 comments. For a relatively small franchisee group (at ar...
itSMF France 12 Jan 2012 | 11:31 pm
Information Technology Service Management Forum Association, ayant pour objectif premier de promouvoir les bonnes pratiques de la gestion informatique (ITIL©). Le chapitre français, l'itSMF Fran...
Service de Forum pour Twitter 21 Aug 2010 | 12:19 pm
J'ai lancé il y a quelques jours Fora.Tw un service de création de topic pour Twitter. Pour l'utiliser il suffit de mettre le hashtag #ForaTw (insensible à la case/i) dans une conversation et le topi... 15 Feb 2008 | 04:25 pm
OpenSAF is an open source project established to develop a base platform middleware consistent with Service Availability™ Forum (SA Forum™) specifications, under the LGPLv2.1 license. The OpenSAF Fou
itSMF | LEADit 2012 Photos – Australia Service Management Conference 6 Sep 2012 | 12:00 pm
The largest independent IT Service Management event in Australia, the Information Technology Service Management Forum Australia (itSMFA) annual Conference is the leading opportunity to access ITSM pro...
IX Convegno ASAP Service Management Forum 25-26 ottobre 2012, Firenze 17 Oct 2012 | 06:29 pm
Il IX convegno ASAP è un appuntamento di sicuro interesse per tutti coloro che operano nelle divisioni service di aziende produttrici di beni, sia di tipo consumer che professionale, ma anche per i...
Donnelly Office Reminds Interested Students of Deadline for Service Academy Nomination Applications 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
South Bend, Ind. – Today, Congressman Joe Donnelly’s office reminded students interested in pursuing a nomination to one of our nation’s service academies that October 31, 2012, will be the final dead...
Service academy nominees from fightin' 14th Congressional District announced by Congressman Ron Paul 15 Nov 2012 | 04:55 am
Lake Jackson, TX – Congressman Ron Paul is pleased to announce the following military service academy nominees from his congressional district: Brazoria County Gabriel Ryan Dawson, son of Brad and K...
BBC World Service – The Forum, Happiness 23 Dec 2012 | 04:13 am
BBC World Service – The Forum, Happiness.
IT Service Management Forum Czech Republic announced winners of the Best ITSM project of the year 8 Feb 2013 | 01:40 pm
Prague (January 2013) - At the 7th itSMF Annual Conference of the Czech Republic, subtitled "Business and IT in the same boat" which took place on the 31st of October 2012 in Prague, the winners of th...