Most Windows PowerShell related news are at:

精通iOS程式設計 第二版 25 Oct 2012 | 07:31 pm
"這本書包含了心懷大志的開發人員開始開發 iOS 平台程式所需要的一切,我發現它內容豐富,而且非常易懂。強力推薦給你!" --Fraser Speirs Connected Flow Ltd. 總監及FlickrExport 創造者 《精通iOS程式設計 第二版》是由碁峰發行,譯自O’Reilly的《Learning iOS Programming, 2nd Edition》;原文書是於今年3月出...
以目標平台作為產品分類的Visual Studio Express 2012 13 Sep 2012 | 01:41 pm
Express是Visual Studio眾多的版本之一,也是微軟免費提供的開發工具。這一次,微軟對Visual Studio Express 2012旗下的產品線,做了些許微調,讓人更清楚每一款產品而不易混淆。 Visual Studio Express 2012(VSE)旗下的產品包括(最後一款尚未推出): Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web Visual S...
More Windows PowerShell related news:
Windows PowerShell Snap-In for IIS 7.5 16 Jun 2011 | 02:23 am
Windows PowerShell Snap-In for IIS 7.0 warrants hosting providers and Web administrators the easy automation of IIS 7.0 administration task variables like, configuration management for Windows PowerSh...
Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer) 9 Feb 2012 | 04:34 pm
Ebook Free Download | Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer) | This Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer) book is written specifically for Windows System Ad...
Share-Story | Win-Prize 20 Dec 2011 | 03:20 pm
PowerShell Magazine is currently soliciting articles for a series called “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Windows PowerShell”. Anyone can submit an article and potentially win a TrainSignal P...
PowerShell V3 Geek Week 22 May 2012 | 10:43 pm
Labcenter is hosting a PowerShell V3 Geek Week June, 11 to June, 15 in Stockholm, Sweden. The course covers new features in Windows PowerShell V 3.0, and a large number of techniques you can use to au...
Snippet / Cambiare lo sfondo del desktop con Add-Type e P/Invoke 11 Feb 2012 | 01:00 pm
Windows PowerShell espone un set molto vasto di comandi che consentono di interagire con facilità con gran parte delle funzionalità di Windows; la completa integrazione con Microsoft .NET, d'altra par...
News / La guida completa a PowerShell 2.0, in italiano 22 Jun 2010 | 10:00 am
Se stai studiando PowerShell e desideri diventare un esperto di questa tecnologia c'è un'ottima notizia per te: da oggi puoi finalmente acquistare il mio libro Windows PowerShell 2.0 - Guida completa ...
Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer) 18 Feb 2012 | 06:36 am
Professional Windows PowerShell (Programmer to Programmer) Publisher: Wrox | English | ISBN: 0471946931 | 552 pages | PDF | 6.34 MB - MSH is a new command-line shell for Microsoft server products, in...
Learning PowerShell? RTFM! 15 Nov 2008 | 06:49 am
Review – Windows PowerShell TFM 2nd Edition (SAPIEN Press) "Since 1986, SAPIEN Technologies has produced information technology and software solutions that make a difference. Today, we're focused...
Command line tools for managing PHP in IIS 29 Jun 2011 | 05:30 am
The latest release of PHP Manager 1.2 for IIS now includes Windows PowerShell commands that can be used to install, configure and manage PHP on IIS 7 from command line. In addition those commands can ...
Windows PowerShell Web Access – Installation guide II 22 Jul 2012 | 12:58 pm
This blog is a continuation of the post on Basic installation guide for PowerShell Web Access. In the basic installation blog, we configured IIS with the default values used by the Install-PswaWebAppl...