Most adding adsense to thesis theme related news are at:

Convert External CSS to On-Page (Inline) CSS for Emails 24 Jan 2013 | 09:10 pm
If you are looking to convert your CSS to on-page (or “Inline”) CSS for use in email campaigns, I will tell you how I did it. The Problem: Effective HTML in Emails Most websites now-a-days use CSS to ...
PHP: Capture Referring URL And Truncate It To Domain Name 19 Jun 2012 | 11:19 pm
This is a quick technical post on how to use PHP to capture a referring URL and truncate it to a domain name. In other words, we want to determine the exact domain name from which our visitors arrived...
More adding adsense to thesis theme related news:
Configure AdSense Ad Spot 4 Aug 2011 | 04:42 am
The Google Plus wp theme has a small settings tab for Google AdSense in the theme options panel. On our demo site we have used an 468×15 ad spot, but of cource you are free to use any other ad format....
CTRScene Adsense Wallpaper WP Theme 5 Nov 2011 | 12:04 am
Introducing, CTRScene WP Wallpaper Theme.. The First Adsense Wallpaper WP Theme With Dynamic Layout Feature To Combat Ad Blindness Dynamic Layout On Single Post jQuery Wallpaper Image For Adsense S...
WordPress how to video : flexible Thesis slideshow 3 Jan 2011 | 08:16 am
This is a 2 part video tutorial to guide you through the process of adding a featured posts slideshow to the Thesis theme using the Jquery Cycle Lite plugin and Query Posts plugin. If you want to sho...
How To Build a Website Using WordPress and Thesis Theme Part 3 17 May 2010 | 03:27 pm
Part three of how to use WordPress and the Thesis Theme to build a website, adding plugins for easy embed of video, a print-friendly page icon, the new Facebook Like button, as well as integrating wit...
WordPress Automatic | Movie Theme 6 Nov 2011 | 12:54 am
Extras: Theme is adsense ready (make money with ads from any ad network / CPA network) Theme can update automatically, via a cronjob, and include an updated database with over 4500+ movies! All ...
Thesis Themes Skins Membership Pays 50% Commission for Affiliates 14 Feb 2011 | 07:32 pm
New Thesis Skin has been added to, I call it the BlogSkin, it’s ideal for internet marketers since I added fully customized Aweber opt-in forms to three different spots on the blog l...
Tutorial: Adding Gravatars to Cutline Themes 13 Apr 2009 | 11:00 pm
Note, I have since transitioned to Thesis, but the tutorial still works great for Cutline. Despite the growing internet presence of Chris Pearson’s Thesis, his older themes still remain popular, incl...
Adding Adsense Code to WordPress Thesis Theme 1 Mar 2012 | 10:36 am
I am experimenting with Thesis, a premium WordPress theme- and really it is more than a theme- its adds incredible functionality to your WordPress site. If you are a beginner it might be overwhelming ...
Thesis Showcase New Additions 23 Jun 2010 | 01:52 pm
Several months have gone by since I’ve added any Thesis Theme sites to our Showcase Gallery where we feature the best designed Thesis sites out there. I have been taking note though of some of the gre...
Add Google Adsense ads at the end of post in thesis 28 Nov 2012 | 09:55 am
Google Adsense is a main source of earning for all bloggers. I myself also earn from Google Adsense and I like it very much. It is very easy to place Adsense ads anywhere. Thesis theme is the best the...