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Agatha Raisin & NaNoEdMo 31 Oct 2011 | 06:09 am
I’m in a reading slump. It might be the weather. Maybe it’s because I’m busy revising my book. Or perhaps it’s simply due to my mad anticipation of two books which will be released next Tuesday: Melje...
[Recensione]- Agatha Raisin e la quiche letale, di MC Beaton 21 Jul 2013 | 08:27 pm
Agatha Raisin e la quiche letale (Astoria edizioni, disponibile in cartaceo ed ebook) è il primo episodio della saga dell'investigatrice Agatha Raisin, formidabile personaggio creato dall'autrice MC B...
M.C. Beaton – Agatha Raisin und der tote Richter 27 Aug 2013 | 03:22 am
Ein eigenes Cottage in den malerischen Cotswolds – davon hat Agatha Raisin schon immer geträumt. Jetzt ist dieser Wunsch endlich wahr geworden. Womit die Ex-PR-Beraterin aus London allerdings nie gere...
Un smoothie sous la douche ?! Acte 3, avec des fraises et des bananes 24 Dec 2011 | 08:43 pm
Pour finir sur la thématique gel douche smoothie, après le raisin-ananas-coco et le framboise-myrtille : celui à la fraise et à la banane, qui fait penser à l’enfance ! Le packaging : Ce gel douche ...
Un smoothie sous la douche ? 19 Dec 2011 | 08:43 pm
J’espère que vous avez passé un bon week-end ! Aujourd’hui je vous propose un gel douche smoothie au raisin, à l’ananas et à la noix de coco. Le packaging : Ce gel douche « smoothie » se presente da...
Rainy Days & Thursdays 9 Apr 2010 | 02:18 am
It's Spring Break over here at Casa Monogram we've been raisin' the roof and gettin' wild and crazy with laundry, baseball practice, play dates, and trying on last summers clothes. I know. Try to cont...
Ultra Short Ugg Boots - Raisin 9 Dec 2011 | 06:30 pm
This sleek, practical pair of uggs is a fantastic addition to any wardrobe. With their raisin colored luxurious leather surface they can be matched with any outfit. Featuring heel reinforcement and a...
Classic Mid Ugg Boots - Raisin 9 Dec 2011 | 06:27 pm
This bright, trendy pair of mid Uggs is the ultimate in comfort and style. Featuring heel reinforcement and a lightweight sole, and being made from 100% natural Australian premium grade sheepskin, co...
Eskimo Sheepskin Mid Ugg Boots - Raisin 10 Nov 2011 | 09:21 pm
These distinctive Uggs are sure to add style and class to any wardrobe. With the soft layer of luxurious sheepskin around the outer edges, there is an added level of style. Featuring heel reinforceme...
Heartburn and Raisins: Good Combination or Trouble for Acid Reflux? 31 Jan 2012 | 12:50 pm
Heartburn and raisins often get mixed reviews. Raisins are acidic in some ways, so it makes sense that one would doubt their ability to help with a symptom known to be related to high levels of stomac...