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Change of Forum URL & Logo. 5 Jul 2010 | 03:13 am
Hi there, Can anyone please change the 10th affiliation link, which is to and the logo change to
Design: Name and Logo Change 20 Feb 2007 | 08:35 am
Google is “Instant” than ever before with Google Instant 10 Sep 2010 | 06:41 pm
Google have been in news recently for many things, whether it is a logo change as you type or adding new courses to Adwords Online Classroom, things have geared up well after the caffeine update. Wel...
Restaurant Logo Design 27 Sep 2010 | 05:54 pm
Are you a restaurant looking to create a new logo, change your logo, or enhance your restaurant logo? Call: (312) 560-0175 or email We work with the web design firm Banner B...
Google 11th Birthday Logo Change 28 Sep 2009 | 08:04 am
I thought I was seeing double when I ended up at today. Apparently, Google turned 11 on 27th September 2009. That is the reason the letter "L" in Google was doubled -- to form the number 11.
Infoletter June 2011 28 Jun 2011 | 04:00 am
Elevon; Localizing Your Logo; Changes Abound
Will Starbuck's Logo Change Turn Out to Be Brilliant Move? 14 Jan 2011 | 02:35 am
Remember the widespread outrage over the change in the GAP logo a few months back? Changing logos is always a chancy action, the more so for brands that have a strong market presence. Imagine the revo...
Microsoft Logo Change: A beginning of a new era? 24 Aug 2012 | 04:39 am
Unless you've been hiding in a cave, you might have seen the brand spanking new Microsoft Logo announced public yesterday. The change marks the first since 1987 that such a major change in the Logo ha...
Introducing Purple Circle Hoops 31 Mar 2013 | 02:50 am is undergoing a name and logo change. Purple Circle Hoops will be our new official name! Don’t you just LOVE IT??? I do! Over the next week, you may notice some changes to the websit...
Five radical logo changes - The logo is one of a brand’s main identifiers. It is almost always the image that pops into our heads when we hear the nam... 3 Jul 2013 | 01:17 pm
The logo is one of a brand’s main identifiers. It is almost always the image that pops into our heads when we hear the name of a company. For this reason, when some entity decides to modify its emb...