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American Manicure with Models Own 29 Apr 2010 | 06:01 pm
Hello dear readers, Another gorgeous day over here. Having this week of and having such great wheater. Wow....that's really having luck! My hubby is so busy working in our garden. He is making a new ...
American Blue Tip Scam, What You Should Know About Free Starter Kits 30 Sep 2010 | 11:24 pm
You may have noticed that there are numerous electronic cigarette companies offering free cigarette starter kits. But why should these companies give anything away for free without making any profits?...
African American Makeup Tips Pt. 1 10 May 2011 | 04:36 pm Tia and I discuss the difficulties of matching ethnic skin with foundation colors. We also discuss CDB, and how it’s a great all natural alternative to traditional makeup.
Perawatan Tangan dan Kuku 28 Aug 2010 | 12:02 pm
Perawatan tangan dan kuku/Manicure tips Apakah Anda meluangkan waktu untuk memanjakan tangan anda lembut dan indah? Karena jadwal kesibukan kita jarang mendapatkan waktu untuk mengurus tangan anda. M...
Investing In The American Dream – Tips For Buying Real Estate 13 Jul 2012 | 12:14 am
Many homeowners worry about whether their property will retain its value over time. Some basic tips will help you understand how property values can change so much. It’s a good idea to find a real es...
MANICURE TIPS 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Δώστε στα χέρια σας αγάπη και στοργή πριν το γάμο ώστε να έχετε τέλειο μανικιούρ όταν θα έρθει η ώρα να περάσετε τη βέρα στο δεξί.
Coreea de Nord ameninţă că loveşte bazele americane din Japonia şi Insulele Guam 21 Mar 2013 | 01:23 pm
Coreea de Nord a ameninţat joi că va lovi bazele militare americane din Japonia şi Insulele Guam ca ripostă la zborurile de antrenament ale bombardierelor americane de tip B-52 deasupra Coreii de Sud ...
3 Foods for Stronger Nails 7 Aug 2013 | 01:43 am
Nothing can ruin a woman’s mood faster than a broken nail. When you chip, break or split one of your newly manicured tips. Luckily, a little smart nutritional planning can help you avoid the stress th...
Health Tip: Keep Off the Weight You’ve Lost 30 May 2012 | 11:41 am
Don’t neglect exercise (HealthDay News) — Maintaining weight loss can be more difficult than losing it in the first place. The American Council on Exercise suggests how to help maintain weight loss: W...
FINAL 12 Apr 2012 | 09:17 am
okej ett sista tips inlägg då, orkar inte deala med den nya bloggen just nu så ska bara säga att ja nyss sett den nya American pie och den var hi-fuck...