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XO Vision XTAB XTAB Android eBook Reader 17 May 2012 | 08:50 am
Adobe Reader 10.1.0 Android APK Download 30 Jan 2012 | 01:13 pm
Descrição: Adobe Reader android apk download, adobe reader free download android, adobe android, adobe reader para android: O padrão global para interações precisas e confiáveis em documentos PDF O...
Friday Funnies Presents: Dick Duck, Duck Dick #15 > Jim Engel 17 Jun 2011 | 04:05 pm
First appeared in The Comic Reader #180, May 1980 Jim Engel: So we meet Daphne Duck! Take a good look—she never appeared again. Not my INTENT, but the way it panned out… In re-looking at this page, I...
Friday Funnies Presents: Dick Duck, Duck Dick #14> Jim Engel 10 Jun 2011 | 04:05 pm
First appeared in The Comic Reader #179, April 1980 Jim Engel: Nothing more dramatic in comics than killing your lead character, right? And introducing (if only verbally) his long lost love on the sa...
Friday Funnies Presents: Dick Duck, Duck Dick #13> Jim Engel 4 Jun 2011 | 01:42 am
First appeared in The Comic Reader #178, March 1980 Jim Engel: What to say about #13? I remember a lot of people telling me it was a favorite… I couldn’t (well—WOULDN’T) have done it without the acce...
Friday Funnies Presents: Dick Duck, Duck Dick #12> Jim Engel 28 May 2011 | 09:31 am
First appeared in The Comic Reader #177, February 1980 Jim Engel: Dick Duck himself doesn’t appear in this installment, but he’s there in spirit as Lackluster Lizard, Bungalow Bill, and Pigs Benedict...
Friday Funnies Presents: Dick Duck, Duck Dick #11> Jim Engel 20 May 2011 | 04:05 pm
First appeared in The Comic Reader #176, January 1980 Jim Engel: The DICK DUCK cast grew by three with this installment, as we are introduced to three of Dick’s old friends: Lackluster Lizard, “Bunga...
Up Date Reader Apps for Android 20 Feb 2011 | 01:52 am
Google Reader app for Android memiliki sejumlah fitur terbaru. Bila Anda pengguna layanan ini, silakan up date aplikasi Anda. Fitur terbaru, antara lain Unread count widget Dengan fitur ini anda bis...
Leer pdfs en Android: Adobe Reader 19 Nov 2010 | 12:21 pm
¿Cómo leer pdfs en Android? Aunque por defecto se pueden leer pdfs hemos probado varios lectores para quedarnos finalmente con el oficial de Adobe, Adobe Reader de toda la vida. Sencillo como debe se...
Zite pentru Android, un reader inteligent 9 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
Zite este o aplicatie foarte interesanta. Te ajuta sa-ti organizezi articolele care te intereseaza, pe masura ce o folosesti invata ce-ti place si filtreaza continutul (daca vrei). De asemenea, aplic...