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Required Female Model for Digital CAMERA TV COMMERCIALjob listing 14 Mar 2012 | 04:03 am
TV COMMERCIAL ASSIGNMENT FOR FRESH AND ASPIRING ACTRESSES. Plan Media - Production House Category: Artists / Performers Age Group: 17-24 years Gender: Female Preferred location of candidate: Delhi &...
Media Buying Agency, Media Planning Agency, Media Buyer 30 Apr 2009 | 09:51 pm
Ocean Media is a leading independent media planning and media buying agency. Ocean Media is a leading independent media planning, media buying and social media agency that was founded in 1996 on the ...
2 Advertising Tools PR Pros Should Have 4 Jan 2010 | 05:18 pm
If a brand invests in advertising, there are two tools of the advertising trade that its PR pros should have at their disposal. 1. Media Buying Plans. They go by a few names – media plans, media flow...
Media Blasters Drops Lodoss Wars Release Plans 15 Mar 2012 | 12:16 am
North American anime distributor Media Blasters confirmed on its Facebook page on Sunday that it “will not be releasing” the Record of Lodoss War anime titles as planned. Media Blasters had revealed i...
FABIANO COURA 4 Sep 2012 | 11:39 pm
Como Diretor Geral de Planejamento da R/GA São Paulo, Fabiano é responsável por todos os trabalhos do grupo estratégico da agência, que inclui os times de Insights & Planning, Media Connections e Anal...
Le Pixel Facebook, un grand pas dans le suivi des conversions 10 Apr 2013 | 09:27 pm
Avec la mise en place de sa fonctionnalité de suivi des conversions, Facebook réalise un pas important qui devrait lui permettre de s’intégrer encore plus aisément dans les plans médias des annonceurs...
Chargé(e) de promotion 4 Jun 2013 | 02:10 pm
Description de l'offre: Directement rattaché(e) au Directeur Général en charge du pôle Automobile et Outdoor, vos principales missions seront les suivantes: -Élaboration de Plans Médias: Presse écri...
Taxonomy Planning: Media & Member Management in Media Factory 4 12 Jun 2013 | 07:39 pm
June 12th, 2013, Toronto - This is an updated and expanded edition of the popular post, Advanced Community Management in Media Factory 3 that discusses some of the features and applications now availa...
Capéa tient le cap avec Trenta 24 Jun 2013 | 02:46 pm
Organisateur d'évènements professionnels nationaux, régionaux et locaux, Capéa a professionnalisé ses outils marketing. Brochure, site internet Destination Saint-Etienne, plan média, campagne web, ann...
5 conseils pour augmenter ses ventes en lignes grâce à Facebook 26 Aug 2013 | 12:00 pm
Une étude de 2012 portant sur 4 campagnes lancées au dernier trimestre de l’année a révélé que les plans médias incluant Facebook généraient 24% de ventes supplémentaires. Les médias de l’industrie nu...