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Technology Supports Victims of Boston Marathon Bombings 16 Apr 2013 | 03:18 pm
Please join TUGG and the technology community in supporting those impacted by the bombing at this year’s Boston Marathon. All proceeds will be donated completely to programs working with victims of th...
Chris Lynch Joins Atlas Venture 16 May 2012 | 11:31 pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts – May 16, 2012 - Atlas Venture announced today that serial entrepreneur Christopher Lynch has joined its investment team. Lynch, who was previously an entrepreneur-in-residen...
More atlas venture related news:
Chris Lynch Joins Atlas Venture 16 May 2012 | 11:31 pm
Cambridge, Massachusetts – May 16, 2012 - Atlas Venture announced today that serial entrepreneur Christopher Lynch has joined its investment team. Lynch, who was previously an entrepreneur-in-residen...
Atlas Venture and Shire Enter Alliance to Invest in Innovative Early-Stage Rare Disease Therapies 16 Dec 2011 | 04:32 am
CAMBRIDGE, MASS, December 15, 2011–Atlas Venture has entered into a multi-year collaboration with Shire Human Genetic Therapies (“Shire”) to explore investment opportunities in early-stage rare diseas...
Kinvey融资500万美元,为移动、Web应用提供后台服务 12 Jul 2012 | 11:12 am
为移动开发商提供后台服务的Kinvey今天宣布在A轮融资中获得500万美元投资,投资方包括Avalon Ventures 和 Atlas Venture。加上去年的200万美元种子融资,该公司已经筹资700万美元。 简单来说,Kinvey制作了一款可大大简化、加速移动应用开发与销售的“即取即用”后端。它试图把那些繁琐又单调的后台任务变得非常非常简单,Kinvey创始人 Sravish Sridh...
Men on Mars : The Reinvention of Atlas Venture 1 May 2013 | 07:31 pm
I joined Atlas Venture 9 years ago. At the time we had 5 offices, 22 partners, 7 board rooms, a team of over 60, over two billion in assets managed. And boy, were we making life difficult for oursel...
Backing CustomMade, the marketplace for one-of-a-kind goods 11 Jun 2013 | 05:50 pm
The first investment out of our new fund IX will bring me back to some well trodden stomping ground, and specifically the world of marketplaces, as Atlas Venture leads the new round of financing for ...
Internet Marketing With Joint Venture Partners 28 Mar 2012 | 10:25 am
The fastest way I’ve seen anyone grow their Internet business without spending money on advertising, is via Joint Ventures. A Joint Venture is typically done with someone that has a complimentary prod...
One Of The Best Researching Tools…. 13 May 2010 | 04:48 am
Hi Guys, Ok, today I want to introduce you to a researching tool that I regard as one of the best researching tools available when it comes to new niches and of course online ventures, and I can bet ...
Ebook Creation – New Online Business Launched! 29 Apr 2010 | 10:58 pm
Hi Guys, Well as usual, I have been just too busy!!!! One thing I love doing is starting and creating new businesses and ventures and being an online marketer, I could start a new one every single d...
Vevo: Fastest growing Online Video Site in U.S. for Jan 2010 9 Mar 2010 | 02:24 pm
According to the latest comScore research note, U.S Internet Users watched more than 225 million videos on Vevo in Jan 2010. The music video website, which was launched in Dec 2009 as a joint venture ...
the PILLOWS「New Animal(PV)」の元ネタ 12 Aug 2010 | 02:09 am
業界関係者から高い人気のあるthe PILLOWS。30枚近いシングルを発表してきていますが、その中のシングル「New Animal」のPVに元ネタがあります。 アメリカのアブストラクトロック・Battles「Atlas」のPVが元になっていて、どちらにもキューブ型ステージや鏡などの特徴が見られます。 the PILLOWSの方は、万華鏡のイメージなどのアイデアも追加されているので、ただのコピ...