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Soda au Gingembre – Ginger Beer/Ale 1 Aug 2013 | 05:22 pm
Après ma dernière tentative couronnée de succès, j’ai récidivé avec des sodas maison. Cette fois-ci, j’ai fait un classique que j’adore – le Ginger Beer ou Ginger Ale. J’en consomme d’énormes quantité...
Super Bowl Recipe Month: Beer Cheese Soup & Kielbasa Potato Bake 19 Jan 2013 | 12:57 pm
Super Bowl Recipe Month: Beer Cheese Soup and Kielbasa Potato Bake It happens every season. You’re cruising along at the end of the regular season, through divisional weekend and then suddenly it hit...
time for a beer? 1 Jul 2013 | 05:04 pm
Ale! Any MC taking that name is asking for at least a little bit of stick isn’t he? If you like something different in your albums then look no further check out the preview track after the break. Enj...
Abita Vanilla Doubledog 25th Anniversary Ale 19 Jan 2012 | 06:00 am
Abita Vanilla Doubledog 25th Anniversary Ale, an Abita offering from their Big Beers lineup that builds off a base of theri Turbodog ale, poured big and black into the glass, with chestnut highlights ...
A Pumpkin Ale that is a Beer and not a Dessert 5 Sep 2010 | 01:34 pm
Lately we have been enjoying some great beers from Portsmouth, New Hampshire's Smuttynose Breweing Co., as they are now distributing in Cleveland. We have been hooked after sampling the goods at this...
THE COMPANY Consolidated Breweries Plc, a subsidiary of Heineken International, produces and markets “33? Export Lager, Champion Lager Beer, More Lager Beer, Williams Dark Ale, Turbo King Dark Ale, Hi...
Brewing Whisky Cask Aged Beers 19 Nov 2011 | 02:16 am
Walk into an old-fashioned pub with its own craft brewery and you are likely to be served with beers aged in oak casks. The beer styles like ales and lagers are the same as with any modern pub serving...
Sun King Brewing & Three Wise Men Brewery Bring Craft Beer to Indianapolis 12 Feb 2011 | 08:55 am
Craft beer has come to Indianapolis with the Thr3e Wise Men Brewery which is opening at locations across the city offering real ale through the Scotty’s Brewhouse chain. What initially started as a co...
Welcome to Craft Beer & Real Ale Beer Reviews 10 Feb 2011 | 05:12 am
Real ale drinkers and craft beer aficionados are welcome here! We’re still in the throes of putting the site together, but we should have an operating website within the next week or so, though to be ...
Curious Traveler Shandy 12 May 2012 | 02:27 pm
Shipyard Brewing Company: Summer Ale is a traditional American wheat beer. With its inviting golden color, mellow malted wheat flavor and less hoppy characteristics, it’s sure to please those looking...