Most being single quotes related news are at:

Rules of Engagement 4 Feb 2013 | 11:25 pm
In online dating the most nerve racking part is going to be the first date. For those who have been dating online know it has the potential to be what I call a “disaster”. My best friend was on and of...
Avoid The “Shiny Penny Syndrome” Guys 8 Jan 2013 | 01:06 am
Buyer beware of this particular scenario from a you meet a guy from online. You finally meet the guy who you have been talking to and texting for a couple of weeks. Avoid The “Shiny Penny Syndrome” G...
More being single quotes related news:
Backslashes with single quotes, like this: \\’ 9 Jun 2009 | 02:13 am
WordPress is a great package, but as someone new to its quirks there seems to be some odd behaviour deep within its inner workings…. If anyone sees any stray backslash “” characters appearing please ...
Problem with Sql Parameter which uses IN Keyword with single quote in @parameter 8 Sep 2008 | 10:14 pm
it took plenty of time for me to search below article in google.. may be i didn’t get proper keywords to search solution. here’s solution .. which u can find...
Rumour Debunked: Single quotes vs double quotes in PHP 6 Jan 2012 | 08:32 am
There is a popular rumour that while writing PHP, you should use double quotes wherever possible. This used to be true – before PHP 5.1 was released, there was a significant difference in speed betwee...
5 Free Tools to Convert HTML to PHP 9 May 2012 | 06:30 pm
This is very annoying task when we want to replace HTML double quotes into PHP single quotes and echo while converting HTML script to PHP. I have searched for script conversion tool over internet and ...
TechCrunch50 Company DotSpots Launches in Private Beta 11 Sep 2009 | 05:19 am
DotSpots, a 2008 TechCrunch50 company that drew a lot of interest, has launched into private beta. The service lets users annotate any part of a web page, from a single quote to the entire page, leave...
Shop Around for a Mortgage 23 Dec 2010 | 12:37 am
What a mundane and seemingly obvious piece of advice! And yet, according to the results of a recent survey by, 40 percent of mortgage shoppers obtained just a single quote before settl...
Lead By Example, It’s That Simple 25 Oct 2012 | 07:47 am
I recently read a blog with a list of things you should never say to your kids. I couldn’t believe it! Every single quote on the list, my parents had said to me at one time or another as I was growing...
PHP Difference Between Single Quote and Double Quote 1 Nov 2012 | 08:23 pm
PHP strings can be enclosed by single quote or double quote, but sometimes a lot of people are not aware about it’s difference. In this tutorial we will learn about the difference between single and d...
Special Characters in HTML 16 Nov 2012 | 09:13 pm
left single quote ‘ ‘ right single quote ’ ’ single low-9 quote ‚ ‚ left double quote “ “ right double quote ” ” double low-9 quote „ „ dagger † † double dagger ‡ ‡ per mill sign ‰ ‰ single left-point...
50+ PHP optimisation 1 Jan 2013 | 09:53 am
จาก 50+ PHP optimisation tips revisited แปะไว้เผื่อไว้เตือนความจำ echo is faster than print. [Citation] Wrap your string in single quotes (‘) instead of double quotes (“) is faster because PHP search...