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Re: Week 3 - BTF Ladder - 19. Gtam vs. 17. NKrishnan 27 Aug 2013 | 11:19 am
My vote: DJ 1 Feedback: DJ 1 - Simple intro using that English clip & echo sound effect, but it works. To be honest, I liked the concept of bringing in something unique like the "The church in the w...
Re: Spartan Bhangra Cleveland Tryouts! 27 Aug 2013 | 10:44 am
Hey All, We're having open tryouts for both Case students and anyone in the area who is interested. Details are in the attached flyer. Feel free to PM me with questions, or if you need directions or ...
More bhangra tea forums related news:
Re: BEST Mexican SALSA Recipe Ever - None of that N.Y. City Garbage Ha Ha! 25 Aug 2013 | 04:01 am
you telling me nobody knows what salsa (it is not dancin') is or eat it. or maybe the forum has turned in to a crumpet and tea forum. who knows? ??
2011年Drupal二月小聚開始報名囉 15 Feb 2011 | 11:24 pm
報名頁面 這次選擇了新的場地Mix Coffee & Tea,是TOSSUG常聚會的地方,相信對於開放原始碼的社群是很契合的。時間上因為場地費用3500元可抵餐飲,所以訂在下午一點,希望大家盡量空著肚子來,點滿3500元。 這次分享方面,我調整了方式。之前分享的人較少、時間較長,在準備上講者比較辛苦,而小...
Naoko (film) 26 Dec 2008 | 11:48 pm
Notre cadeau de Noël, le voici ! ^^ Le film Japonais Naoko avec Miura Haruma et Ueno Juri. Nous espérons qu'il vous plaira. Naoko est disponible en DDL (forum) et en torrent (TEA). Sinon, n'oubliez pa...
Tokyo Shower épisode 4 (fin) 24 Dec 2008 | 01:12 am
Et voici le dernier épisode de Tokyo Shower ! = D Vous pouvez retrouvez cette épisode sur le forum en DDL et prochainement en torrent (sur Tea) et sur veoh. Bonne journée = )
Bloody Monday épisode 5&6 23 Dec 2008 | 05:34 am
Les épisodes 5 et 6 disponible en torrent sur le nouveau tracker TEA Prochainement disponible sur veoh et en DDL (sur le forum). Bonne soirée = )
Complaint Letter to Education Minister 26 Feb 2010 | 07:58 pm
After our tea at the end of the Education forum held on 21st February 2009, I approached the Education Minister with a complaint letter which I had prepared 2 days before. He read the letter, smiled...
UWA Emerging Technologies Forum Speaker #4 – Mike Williams 16 Jul 2009 | 05:56 pm
The 4th speaker (after morning tea) was Mike Williams who has been co-ordinating the UWA Alumni social networking project (now called alumniConnect). His presentation included a live demonstration of...
The Candle Olympics ~ Tealight Challenge 25 Feb 2013 | 02:34 pm
A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the Forum Candle makers and the challenge they set themselves to make a long burning tea light. Finally, all the entries were in and Saturday night saw the big bur...
Resveratrol + Green Tea Extract (8 months in) 27 Aug 2013 | 03:47 am
Hey guys, Well a year ago, word on this forum was that Resverarol could reverse male pattern baldness. Some people started taking it daily and slowly got off it as it showed no result to them. Hence,...
Re: Any Antique/vintage valuators on the forum? 27 Aug 2013 | 03:58 pm
How many pieces is it? Is it tea cups only, trios (the tea cup the saucer and the matching side plate)? Do you have the tea-pot, sugar bowl and matching sandwich dishes. (98 piece tea sets were sold w...