Most bicara muslim related news are at:

Sikap Saya Tentang Perbedaan Pendapat Ulama di Azhar 25 Aug 2013 | 09:51 am
Saya pernah ditanya oleh seorang kawan "Saya lihat ulama Azhar berbeda pendapat dalam melihat konflik Mesir, apakah itu tanda bahwa Al-Azhar ada keretakan di dalamnya ?" Pertama, Secara kasat mata in...
Imam Ahmad Membolehkan Baca Qur'an di Kuburan ? 23 Aug 2013 | 01:43 pm
Suatu hari aku bersama Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal dan Muhammad bin Qudamah Al-Jauhari berada dekat jenazah. Ketika jenazah telah dikuburkan, duduklah seorang laki-laki yang membaca al-qur’an disisi kuburan...
More bicara muslim related news:
Malam bagiku 14 Nov 2010 | 03:12 am
Oleh :Merpati Putih Setiap orang akan berbeda dalam menyikapi berbagai gejolak hidupnya. Menyikapi hidup terkadang gampang-gampang susah. Gampang untuk bicara, susah untuk dijalankan. Adakalanya kita...
Aplikasi Menarik Dan Terbaru Untuk Android 11 May 2012 | 02:19 pm
Bicara masalah Android ini seperti tak akan pernah ada habisnya, Para pengguna Android semakin hari terus berkembang. Didukung lagi dengan harga yang semakinmurah dan hampir terjangkau oleh semua kala...
Akankah VK mampu menandingi Facebook? 7 Feb 2010 | 09:13 pm
Jika bicara situs jejaring social dan pertemanan online, situs pertama yang terpikirkan oleh kita adalah Facebook. Bicara fenomena situs pertemanan berarti bicara tentang Facebook. Hal tersebut tidak ...
[IMPORTANT INFO] Muslims who want to go to Japan, Checks Food / Beverage HALAL here. 22 May 2012 | 08:18 pm
Ane only forward info only, .. For agan / aganwati Muslims who want to travel to Japan. Perhaps this info is very important that the food and beverage Info HALAL. before traveling, please check the ...
Are ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Groups the New ‘Muslims?’ 27 Feb 2012 | 03:37 pm
We pretty sure Congressman Peter King wouldn’t think so, but as we’ve often talked about there is a new and dangerous re-rise of homegrown terrorists who fly under the radar ’cause they don’t have dar...
Blogger Angkat Bicara 20 Mar 2010 | 01:07 pm
Blogger Angkat Bicara. Akhir-akhir ini banyak di bicarakan masalah kelemahan blogger dan kebijaksanaan baru blogger blogspot yang sedikit lebih mengikat. Walaupun begitu blogger juga meningkatkan kwal...
Australia: Muslim who strangled wife to death for being “too Australian”, sentenced to 22 years 13 Apr 2010 | 04:50 am
Image via Wikipedia A man who killed his wife by using her veil to strangle her in their Melbourne home did so in the belief he was entitled to dominate her, a Supreme Court judge has found. Soltan ...
Tariq Ramadan: “Let’s not Talk About Muslims Integrating” 12 Apr 2010 | 10:58 pm
This is an update on this story: On Thursday, Ramadan said the ban undermined American values and that it was no longer appropriate to speak about “Muslims in the West,†but rather “Western Mus...
Muslim Gang Raped 100 Teenage Girls In UK 11 Oct 2011 | 12:30 am
A muslim gang in UK has been convickted for raping british girls, even as young victims as 12 years. In one instance 8 muslim men gangraped a white girl. UK media repports that this is the biggest c...
CIA foils al Qaeda underwear bomb plot intended for anniversary of bin Laden death 8 May 2012 | 11:33 am
Muslims just can’t get enough of strapping explosives to their bodies, can they? CIA thwarts Al Qaeda underwear bomb plot near anniversary of bin Laden’s death The CIA has unraveled a terror p...