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Oprah Winfrey targets diabetes 5 Feb 2010 | 02:28 am
On the 4th February 2010, Oprah is being joined on a special episode of The Oprah Winfrey show by Dr. Oz, Bob Greene, Art Smith & Dr. Ian Smith plus others to highlight the human costs of the diabetes...
Cause of Blindness in Diabetics discovered 2 Feb 2010 | 11:59 pm
The Journal of Biological Chemistry has published a paper that throws light on the question of how high blood sugar levels can cause blindness most commonly associated with diabetes – diabetic retinop...
More blood sugar spikes related news:
How To Obtain Healthy Weight For Life 23 Mar 2012 | 01:12 am
How To Obtain Healthy Weight For Life A Way To Lose Weight That Is Not A Fad But Can Become A Way Of Life To Stay Healthy. By Eliminating Blood Sugar Spikes, Balancing Ph, Adding Fiber And Moderate Ex...
Studies at Rutgers University & North Carolina State Univ on Maqui 18 Jun 2012 | 09:51 am
“Scientists at Rutgers University and North Carolina State University find that extracts from maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) may help prevent blood sugar spikes and help type 2 diabetics avoid fu...
Primal Pizza, Rolls, and Crackers 24 Jul 2013 | 09:32 am
Tapioca is probably my favorite carbohydrate. It causes no gas like many fibery starches do; it doesn’t lead to blood sugar spikes like sugar does; and it does not leave me feeling fatigued or bloated...
How a "Low Glycemic" Diet Can Help You Lose Weight 16 Aug 2013 | 09:14 pm
The Glycemic Load is a scoring system based on your blood sugar response to foods. Foods with a high glycemic load cause a blood sugar spike--a large increase in your blood sugar--while low glycemic l...
The herb berberine may help reduce blood sugar spikes 22 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Herbal hero blasts blood sugar spikes Right now there are millions of diabetics out there who’ve been poked more times than the Pillsbury Doughboy — except they’re not laughing about it. When you’re...
The herb berberine may help reduce blood sugar spikes 22 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Herbal hero blasts blood sugar spikes Right now there are millions of diabetics out there who’ve been poked more times than the Pillsbury Doughboy — except they’re not laughing about it. When you’re...
4 Steps Enable You to Control the Diabetes You Have 19 Nov 2011 | 11:33 am
Diabetes (high blood sugar level): a serious disease, killing in the silently, does not show symptoms in the early stages, a lot of people become infected, and they do not know, until after passage op...
The Importance of Exercise for Diabetics 11 Aug 2011 | 02:18 am
The Importance of Exercise for Diabetics Regular exercise is very important for diabetics because it can control blood sugar levels and decreased body weight and blood pressure. Diabetics who exercis...
Choosing the Right Pre-Workout Snack 11 Mar 2010 | 06:47 am
Okay so you’ve just left work and are heading to the gym, but you can feel your stomach sucking up against your spine. Your blood sugar is low and you need a jolt of energy before you start your worko...
What it Feels like to have a High Blood Sugar – Diabetes 3 Apr 2012 | 04:36 pm
This is another video on Diabetes from 1HappyDiabetic. This video explains the symptoms of High Blood Sugar. Go to for more!