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KL shares close lower - Bernama 27 Aug 2013 | 03:10 pm
Bursa Malaysia prices closed lower today led by blue-chips and heavyweights amid weak global sentiment. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) fell 21.25 points, or 1.23 percent, to close at 1,701.24...
satılık saf kan orjinal doberman yavrularımız (BURKEM) ( Bursa ) Lütfen irtibata geç 27 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
satılık saf kan orjinal doberman yavrularımız (BURKEM) --- ▂▃▅▆█۩۞۩█▆▅▃▂---- ▂▃▅▆█BURSA KÖPEK EĞİTİM MERKEZİ█▆▅▃▂ TÜRKİYENİN EN SEVİMLİ VE ŞİRİN YAVRULARI SADECE BURSA KÖPEK EĞİTİM MERKE
satılık saf kan orjinal doberman yavrularımız (BURKEM) ( Bursa ) Lütfen irtibata geç 27 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
satılık saf kan orjinal doberman yavrularımız (BURKEM) --- ▂▃▅▆█۩۞۩█▆▅▃▂---- ▂▃▅▆█BURSA KÖPEK EĞİTİM MERKEZİ█▆▅▃▂ TÜRKİYENİN EN SEVİMLİ VE ŞİRİN YAVRULARI SADECE BURSA KÖPEK EĞİTİM MERKE
Mourinho Pertahankan Mata 27 Aug 2013 | 07:50 pm
LONDON, - Pelatih Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, kembali menegaskan bahwa Juan Mata takkan dijual pada bursa transfer musim panas ini. Menurut Mourinho, Mata adalah pemain penting bagi The Blues...
Malaysia Bursa: Still Early to Bottom Fish? 26 Aug 2013 | 11:22 am
Aggravated foreign selling on index-linked blue-chip heavyweights pressured the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) sharply lower last week, sliding down for a full closure of the post-elect...
Bursa Malaysia - Sentiment Damper From Potential Fed Tapering 20 Aug 2013 | 08:11 am
SELL AMMB & RHB Capital Blue chips fell into profit-taking correction mode on Monday, but lower liners and smalls cap stocks continued to attract strong rotational trading interest. The KLCI ...
FBM KLCI - higher on technical rebound 27 Aug 2013 | 06:04 am
Stocks on Bursa Malaysia closed mixed yesterday despite continuous buying interest in selected blue chips. The FBM KLCI pared some of its gains at close after having risen more than 10 points in early...
Chelsea Akan Segera Lepas Torres 27 Aug 2013 | 07:55 pm
Pihak manajemen The Blues dikabarkan akan segera melepas Fernando Torres sebelum bursa transfer musim panas ini di tutup karena pemain bersangkutan masih mandul. Hasil Pertandingan Kualifikasi Piala D...