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CakePHP Session Troubleshooting 16 Jun 2009 | 02:43 pm
I use CakePHP on a day to day basis for project ranging from a single controller with a couple of views through to projects with large amounts of Controllers, Models, Views and Relationships. This mor...
CakePHP Session Troubleshooting 16 Jun 2009 | 10:43 am
I use CakePHP on a day to day basis for project ranging from a single controller with a couple of views through to projects with large amounts of Controllers, Models, Views and Relationships. This mor...
Access session data in a model -cakephp 14 May 2011 | 08:05 am
Sometime we may need auth data for inserting in bforeSave method, i know it break the MCV rule but we sometime we need it for doing faster. I used it in beforeSave method in a module In this way we ...
Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work 24 Jun 2011 | 02:27 am
Dallas is a beautiful town, I think. I wouldn’t know because I’ve been in a hotel conference boardroom with a speaker client doing a 2 Day Turnaround session to clarify her business message and clea...
Tutorial on integrating CKFinder/CKEditor into CakePHP with ... 18 Feb 2012 | 07:45 pm
Tutorial on integrating CKFinder/CKEditor into CakePHP with session authentication. ... 1) Extract your CKEditor and CKFinder into your /app/webroot/js/ directory
Feedback Session Roundup 8 Jun 2010 | 03:31 pm
During this campaign, there are a couple of key things I hope to accomplish. The first is taking my message to the citizens who live in Ward 14. I want to give them ample opportunity to get to know me...
Intuit highlights attribution analysis, behavioral targeting, and funnel-aware messaging as keys to success at NCDM 6 Jan 2011 | 07:22 pm
I led a session at the National Center for Database Marketing (NCDM) conference in Miami last month on how to “Target Customers Effectively Through Advanced Analytics” with Arup Ray from Intuit. Full ...
How to create a new Custom CakePHP Template 26 Sep 2011 | 05:21 am
Custom CakePHP Template Creation So, I hope by far you have downloaded CakePHP (A.K.A. 'Cake'), installed it, changed security settings and connected to database. You have seen the messages in the w...
wikiaccess edited sessions 14 Dec 2008 | 12:12 am
Rm 1 Digital.Creative Simon Bennett - Socially Responsible Video Games - Working with end users to create relevant game content to communicate positive messages. Rm 2 Be.seen.Get.hea...
phpMyAdmin Error – Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP install... 17 May 2010 | 12:00 am
Last night I had migrated one our client accounts from old cpanel server to new cpanel server , customers reported their phpMyAdmin install was showing the error message “Cannot start session without ...