Most cdn vs amazon s3 related news are at:

Should Entrepreneurs Get an MBA? Hell No. 21 May 2013 | 07:52 pm
Today I am attending a great event on rethinking education and the potential startup opportunities in that space. While I am personally obsessed with lifelong learning I am not a fan of our higher edu...
Customer (not Competitor) Focused 6 Dec 2012 | 09:56 pm
I was recently speaking with an entrepreneur whose company is in the same space as my previous company, Performable (which was acquired by Hubspot). He was asking how I thought they should compete wit...
More cdn vs amazon s3 related news:
Setting up a CDN with Amazon S3 and Cloud Front in 5min 6 Jun 2011 | 01:44 am
When you create a new bucket in Amazon S3, you can choose from five different locations: US Standard, Northern California, Ireland, Singapore and Tokyo. Most web applications however have visitors fr...
Amazon’s CloudFront Content Delivery Network is primetime! 30 Apr 2011 | 06:00 pm
{include_content_item 162 0 0} Amazon’s CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN) supplements Amazon’s S3 service by seamlessly caching your content much closer to your website visitors, thus substan...
Setting Akamai Edge-Control headers with Ruby on Rails 19 Jun 2012 | 01:54 pm
Just a short and sweet little tip. Several months ago we moved one of our clients over to Akamai’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). Ww were previously using a combination of Amazon S3 and CloudFront w...
Routing a root domain / zone apex / naked domain to Amazon S3 19 Aug 2012 | 09:24 am
Even though the sound of hosting a static website entirely out of Amazon s3, it has a catch. You can only host subdomains there (including,, etc assu...
JA Amazon S3 – Cloudfront CDN Component for Joomla! 1 Oct 2012 | 08:29 pm
JA Amazon S3 Component provides the strength of cloud computing to Joomla! Hybrid .
The Static Website Hosting Showdown: S3 vs GCS vs Cloud Files 17 Jul 2013 | 02:31 am
At Scalr, we host our website, without servers. We do this using Amazon S3 to store static HTML files that make up our web presence, and Amazon CloudFront to deliver them speedily. This ...
七牛镜像存储 WordPress 插件:一键实现 WordPress 博客静态文件 CDN 加速 20 Aug 2013 | 05:47 am
测试网站:IT糗百 七牛云存储是由七牛提供的在线存储服务,通过云端接口向企业客户提供网上无限存储空间,和传统的云存储服务(如 Amazon S3)不同,七牛云存储还增加了上传下载传输加速以及富媒体云端处理特性。 七牛云存储支持绑定域名(需要备案域名),全网 CDN 加速(多数据中心+多加速节点,上传下载均加速)、持续在线,可以无限扩展、用户只需按需付费...
使用七牛云存储加速你的 wordpress Blog 16 Aug 2013 | 01:37 pm
七牛云存储是由七牛提供的在线存储服务,通过云端接口向企业客户提供网上无限存储空间,和传统的云存储服务(如 Amazon S3)不同,七牛云存储还增加了上传下载传输加速以及富媒体云端处理特性。 七牛云存储支持绑定域名(需要备案域名),全网 CDN 加速(多数据中心+多加速节点,上传下载均加速)、持续在线,可以无限扩展、用户只需按需付费,无硬件投资,并且还可以免费试用3个月。 注册地址:ht...