Most centos yum 安装 apache related news are at:

一场骗局! 4 Jun 2013 | 06:59 am
昨天被骗了,仔细分析了一下,案发的实际情况。 1,主犯,也就是行骗者利用人贪婪的心理,完成行骗。主要靠提供虚假 [......
my christmas girl! 24 Apr 2013 | 12:49 am
其实,那年我早就把自己丢了。这些年一直没找回来。在你那儿…永远。你给的太多了,我得到的太多了。以至于现在我给别 [......
More centos yum 安装 apache related news:
使用 DenyHosts 阻止 SSH 暴力破解 29 Aug 2009 | 09:34 pm
项目主页: 安装: CentOS: yum install denyhosts Debian: apt-get install denyhosts 配置: vi /etc/denyhosts.conf # 用户登录的日志文件 SECURE_LOG = /var/log/auth.log # 禁止登陆的主机文件...
vsFTPD 快速安装配置 13 Aug 2009 | 05:01 am
安装: CentOS: yum install vsftpd Debian: apt-get install vsftpd 配置: vi /etc/vsftpd.conf 禁止匿名用户登录: anonymous_enable=NO 允许系统用户登录: local_enable=YES 开启写权限: write_enable=YES 设置掩码: local_umask=0...
Installing PHP-Mcrypt on CentOS 6 19 Jun 2013 | 11:46 pm
I needed to install php-mcrypt on my VPS because of an application and well, below is how i did it. Download package – Install using yum – Restart Apache [root@s16960602 ~]# rpm -ivh http://dl.fedorap...
HTTP installation of RHEL6/CentOS/SL-6 6 Dec 2011 | 08:56 pm
On Server Install apache server (HTTP server) using yum #yum install httpd Note: if you don’t know how to setup yum you can see this post Mount the DVD (which is also specified in the above post) ...
CentOS 安裝 MRTG 套件完成後的 403 Forbidden 14 Dec 2009 | 02:26 am
好久沒用 rpm 套件的方式安裝軟體了。這次用 yum 安裝 MRTG 並設定好之後也把 apache 的 httpd.conf 加上 mrtg 的路徑,但 http://server/mrtg 卻一直出現 403 Forbidden。Orz 在 httpd.conf 怎麼看都找不出哪裡有問題,後來才發現套件會自動在 /etc/httpd/conf.d/下安裝 mrtg.conf。(這雖然這個的...
Instalar Apache en CentOS 6.2 15 May 2012 | 06:57 am
Para tener Apache Http Server en CentOS 6.2 debemos entrar a la consola escribir: yum install httpd Luego hacemos para activar el servidor apache al iniciar el sistema. Escribimos en la consola: ch...
Apache servisini lighttpd ye dönüştürün Convert Apache to Lighttpd on CentOS 26 Dec 2012 | 09:24 pm
Alıntı rpm -Uhv yum install lighttpd lighttpd-fastcgi -y mv /var/www/htdocs/* /srv/www/ chkconfig lighttp...
CENTOS 6.3 x86_64 (64 bit) Hypervisor Edition 8 Jan 2013 | 11:46 am
We have released a Hypervisor edition of the latest CENTOS 6.3 (x86_64 ) . This release has the following key packages: KVM Hypervisor SSH YUM Apache Web Server (with mod_ssl) PHP MySQL Server ...
Centos 搭建 SVN 服务器 4 Apr 2013 | 01:02 pm
一、安装 subversion: #yum install subversion 检测下是否安装成功: #svnserve --version 二、建立 SVN 库 #mkdir /home/svn #svnadmin create /home/svn/project_1 为了规范,一般在项目目录下再创建: #mkdir -p /home/svn/projec_1/trunk #mkdir -p ...
(2012.9.28更新)CentOS6.0安装Apache+PHP+Mysql教程,安装Magento(解决DOM,Mcrypt,GD问题)完整教程 28 Sep 2012 | 06:29 pm
服务器系统:CentOS6.0(64bit) 查看CentOS版本命令: [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final) 一、 安装Apache+PHP+Mysql 1. 安装 MySQL 打开SSH,输入: [root@localhost ~]# yum install mys...