Most christian advice on sleep related news are at:

IRAN UPDATE: Pastor Saeed Abedini’s Appeal Rejected; 8 year Sentence Approved 27 Aug 2013 | 09:50 am
Mohabat News American-Iranian Pastor Saeed Abedini’s appeal has been rejected and his eight year Sentence approved. Mohabat News report that Pastor Abedini’s lawyer stated “Branch 36 of the appeals ...
Priase and prayer request 27 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am
I have been praying for a while now on my father issues as you all know and its been about a year now. And so I been wondering if I'd ever get healing for this or if this was the cross I was to bare. ...
More christian advice on sleep related news:
Sleep Better And Longer With This Advice On Sleep Apnea 19 Jun 2013 | 08:35 am
TIP! Extra weight is a primary cause of sleep apnea. If this is the case, a sleep apnea sufferer should try to lose weight. Remember that it is important to follow through rather than just contemplate...
Escape Artist 7 Jul 2013 | 01:30 am
Ten days into life with the new baby, one of my big babies decided cribs were for losers. He waltzed into our room at 5am, woke us up and our day began. A twin mom friend gave me advice: footed sleep...
Does Tummy Time for Babies Help Development Milestones? 29 May 2013 | 06:43 pm
Tummy time for babies will help them meet their developmental milestones but many parents are confused about the advice. Since sleeping advice changed with the “Back to Sleep” campaigns to avoid babi...
Sleeping Bag Advice Please 24 Aug 2013 | 03:30 am
Hi’ya, I’m just needing some advice re sleeping bags for DD2. She’s a bit of a ‘blanket kicker’ so I grabbed a sleeping bag on special to give it a go (it was only $10! But tag has caution high fire d...
Carnal Christians 27 Jan 2009 | 04:47 pm
Carnal Christians Current mood: Proverbs 4:20-27 gives us some very sound advice if we want to move ahead with God:20 My son [that includes daughters], give attention to my words; incline you
Make Plans That Make Travel Easy With This Advice 21 May 2012 | 09:38 pm
Try taking a mild sleeping aid during your red-eye flight. The sleeping pill can help you sleep comfortably on a plane by decreasing the surrounding discomforts. You may want to take a sleeping medici...
Pillow Advice 8 Dec 2011 | 01:59 pm
What exactly is the purpose of a pillow? Everyone knows that a proper pillow should support you while you sleep, but support what? Support where? Who needs what kind of support? A good pillow will sup...
Useful Christian Divorce Advice 15 Feb 2012 | 08:39 pm
The perception of divorce is actually as straightforward as it looks; a process which a married pair undertake to part ways physically and officially. Divorce and Legal Separation exist and are permis...
10 Terms Not to Use with Muslims 13 Apr 2009 | 02:18 am
. Here is advice given to me from Muslim friends worldwide regarding words and concepts that are not useful in building relationships with them. By Chris Seiple, Christian Science Monitor. Arlington...
sleeping issues, advice needed 8 Aug 2007 | 03:05 am
We are having huge sleeping issues at our house. I know some must be jet lag but there is more to it. The girls go to sleep fine but wake up 1-2 hours later and scream until about 4 am then will go t...