Most confused of calcutta chop related news are at:

Getting in tune 10 Aug 2013 | 03:10 pm
I’m singing this note ’cause it fits in well With the chords I’m playing I can’t pretend there’s any meaning here Or in the things I’m saying But I’m in tune Right in tune I’m in tune And I’m g...
Not cricket 9 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
[To my readers: This is unashamedly a post about cricket. If that's not your thing, you're probably going to get bored reading this. In which case you have my apology, that was not my intention]. ...
More confused of calcutta chop related news:
The death of the pork chop 5 Apr 2013 | 01:27 am
Today, in order to reduce consumer confusion in cuts of meat, the National Pork Board and the Beef Checkoff Program, with the approval of the USDA, is rolling out new naming standards. Pork chops? Gon...
“It’s Just A Pork Chop” 10 Jul 2013 | 06:46 am
This is the quote that is going to get me through the next year. You are all probably wondering what the heck this means…I would be utterly confused as well. The closest quote I can relate it to is “t...