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外贸电商走垂直方向合适吗? 27 Oct 2012 | 05:59 am
在知乎看到这个问题,觉得很有意思。我不做外贸,但从事垂直电商相关的工作,想来大环境也有相通之处,只是外贸企业还有更细更多的限制。 首先要回答的问题是:垂直电商到底有没有前途?我觉得这都不算个问题,从Amazon到京东,谁不是做垂直出身的?显然有前途,很有前途!真正的问题是,现在Amazon或者京东淘宝这类超级综合性电商平台一统江湖的情况下,小的垂直电商的生存空间受到很大挤压,没有以前好做了,前...
电商如何处理社交营销 6 Mar 2012 | 09:45 am
仍然是一个知乎问答。 两周前参加了一个电商Panel,其中一个环节的受访者是四家公司的营销负责人,分别来自Sears,Neiman Macus, Kroger,和Guess,对美国市场有所了解的同学会知道,这四家公司是个相对全面的零售分布:家电百货,奢侈品化妆品服装百货,杂货店(菜场)和服饰。这个环节中,主持人提的问题之一:2011是社交年。媒体提出了搜索已死,社交当立的说法。现在回头看,社交营r...
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Kockázati kérdések a lakáshitelesek témakörhöz 19 Aug 2011 | 02:47 am
Nem vagyunk kockázati szakemberek, banki kérdésekben sem vagyunk túlságosan otthon, de devizahitelesként azért mégis lenne néhány felvetésem amivel lehetne javítani a helyzetünkön és a nálam nagyobb s...
50% de réduction sur nos formations (SEO, SMO, SEM, Google Analytics) 3 Mar 2012 | 06:35 am
A partir du 1er mars 2012, Ranking Metrics met en place 2 mesures exceptionnelles pour soutenir les auto-entrepreneurs et les demandeurs d'emploi. Attention, ce tarif préférentiel pourra être modifié ...
Everest Poker CPA Hurdle 19 Jun 2009 | 02:21 am
Hello All As of the 15th of June there is a 20 “summit point” min play through requirement for CPA payments on referred Everest Poker players. On average this translates into about $4 rake and should...
Search Engine Marketing – Eye Tracking a SEM Must 9 Jan 2008 | 08:22 am
A joint eye tracking study conducted by search marketing firms Enquiro and eye tracking firm Eyetools has shown that the vast majority of eye tracking activity during a search happens in a triangle at...
Filhote de peixe-boi sem a mãe é resgatado no Amazonas 5 Jan 2011 | 12:08 pm
Animal foi encontrado em comunidade de Iranduba (AM). Mamífero aquático é o primeiro a chegar a instituto em Manaus em 2011.
This is a Guest post by , Brian O'Connell, s the CEO and founder of CPA Site Solutions, one of the country's most successful companies dedicated entirely to designing excellent accountant websites. Hi...
Redimensionamento das miniaturas sem gambiarras 22 Dec 2010 | 02:05 pm
Que o WordPress é um sistema muito flexível todos nós já sabemos, mas flexibilidade não é sinônimo de gambiarra, e é isso que temos que fazer quando temos um site com miniaturas de vários tamanhos e e...
How to Fund Your Children Education 19 Nov 2010 | 11:16 pm
4 Ways to Fund Your Children’s Education By Karen Galarpe IT seemed like a scene from a scary movie: P30,000 per sem tuition now will become– P111,000 per sem in 17 years at 8 percent increase... Con...
5 Ways Microsoft Excel Helps Me With SEM 9 Nov 2009 | 11:04 pm
This is a guest post by Chris Garrett Many search engine folks like the "seat of the pants" approach to SEM but I am so disorganised when I try to remember everything that I find myself turning to Mi...
SEO is broke money 18 Aug 2011 | 01:17 pm
Many months ago I remember someone mentioning how SEO was “broke money.” I couldn’t believe that person said that, but then I realized he was a CPA Network owner who was simply protecting his business...