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More crosswalk related news:
Shield Road Crossing 18 May 2012 | 06:07 am
The Shield Road crossing is complete with the new pedestrian activated signal and permanent crosswalk markings. Pedestrians should always press the crossing button and wait for cars to st...
Updated military occupations included in O*NET websites 8 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
The Military Occupational Classification (MOC) crosswalk has been updated by the Department of Defense (April 2012) and incorporated into O*NET OnLine and My Next Move for Veterans. Over 10,000 MOC oc...
Quincy Wrongful Death Lawyer Reports a Quincy woman was killed when she was struck by a vehicle 1 Feb 2012 | 04:37 pm
Quincy Wrongful Death Lawyer Reports— A Quincy woman was killed when she was struck by a vehicle this morning while walking in the crosswalk in front of the Quincy Center MBTA station. Wendy Chow, 5...
Please see my backside 14 Jun 2007 | 09:15 am
There is an article about Eliot on located here. If you’ve been around the blog long, you will recognize it as a former post. If you have come here from the article, we recommend jumping...
An Open Letter to Parking Lot Drivers 12 Apr 2011 | 04:48 am
Written from the center of the crosswalk, heading from the Best Buy parking lot to the store: Dear drivers, What's the rush? Hey, you see that sign there? The one with the pretty red paint and the w...
DVD 22 Apr 2010 | 10:41 pm
Pour se procurer un DVD Crosswalk, 3 solutions : - Vous êtes à l'avant-première samedi soir : Vous pouvez nous l'acheter directement là-bas - Vous êtes Rennais : Vous pouvez vous la procurer dès lun...
Résultats jeu concours 3 Apr 2010 | 07:19 am
Voilà, le jeu concours est terminé. C'est ADRIEN SAVARY d'Evron le premier à avoir trouvé le bon ordre des parts ! Il remporte donc une planche Crosswalk ! BRAVO A LUI La réponse le 24 avril :)
Jeu concours 28 Mar 2010 | 03:33 am
Petit jeu concours, avec une board Crosswalk en jeu ! Le principe est simple : deviner l'ordre des parts dans la vidéo. Pour jouer, suivez le lien ci-dessous et remplissez le formulaire : JEU CONCOU...
ENFIN !! 25 Mar 2010 | 11:12 pm
Après 2 ans de travail voilà enfin l'avant-première de la CROSSWALK ! En espérant vous y voir nombreux ! L'AVP a lieu dans le cadre d'un festival de cultures urbaines : "URBAINES" à l'Antipode à Renn...
3 High School Students Hospitalized after collision on Zelzah 10 May 2011 | 07:50 am
Three high school students were hospitalized on Friday after being clobbered in a crosswalk by a motorist who was not cited by police reports the Daily News. It makes you wonder what it will take to i...