Most customer acquisition cost enterprise software related news are at:

Can I have a trial please… 22 Aug 2013 | 11:05 pm
This question was originally posted on Quora and I had responded. I am expanding on that answer in this post. As companies push firmly into a SaaS delivery model, providing ability to do a trial/eval...
Long, Slow, SaaS Ramp of Death 22 Apr 2013 | 11:28 pm
Here is a great video by Gail Goodman from Constant Contact where she shares the challenges they faced as they tried to reach critical mass and the ramp. _____________________________________________...
More customer acquisition cost enterprise software related news:
Introducing the Enterprise Marketing Management Stack (“EMM”) 8 Feb 2013 | 02:27 am
As marketing dollars continue to shift into digital channels, a new class of software applications has emerged to help automate and integrate digital marketing activities, from customer acquisition th...
ShawMan Software Enterprises is committed to provide quality software products and services to its customers globally at a competitive cost.
Flexera Software FlexNet Connect Enhancements Lower Costs and Risks of Application Updates for Software Vendors, Intelligent Device Manufacturers and ... 2 May 2013 | 11:00 pm
Flexera Software, the leading provider of Application Usage Management solutions for application producers and enterprises, today announced a major upgrade to FlexNet Connect, which delivers the most ...