Most cynical brit blog related news are at:

Warhammer 40k RollPlay - Week 2 - Extra Heresy 27 Aug 2013 | 06:11 am
Warhammer 40k RollPlay - Week 2 - Extra Heresy If you wish to see more, check out JP's channel: RollPlay: Dark Heresy playlist: This video is ...
► WTF Is... - Divekick ? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am
► WTF Is... - Divekick ? TotalBiscuit takes a look at the recently released two-button fighting game from Iron Galaxy Studios. Get it on Steam: Follow TotalBisc... From: TotalB...
More cynical brit blog related news:
Publicação de Hoje (Leiam é importante) 1 May 2012 | 12:35 pm
Pessoal apenas estou repassando e definitivamente penso em não reabrir o blog. Justiça britânica determina bloqueio do Pirate Bay A decisão foi tomada após uma ação movida pela Indústria Fonográfic...
What Blogging Has Taught Me 4 May 2012 | 03:13 am
Reblogged from Outside Air: I was kind of cynical about starting a blog back in the day but I’m glad I did–here’s why: Blogging makes me see my life differently. Ever since I started blogging, I’ve ...
Πολιτική ανυπακοή ή τυραννία της πλειοψηφίας; 11 Feb 2011 | 01:28 am
Τα παρακάτω προέκυψαν ως απάντηση στην ανάρτηση της Cynical με τίτλο 'Μαθητεία στην ανυπακοή'(, όπου η(;) blogger εξισώνει την παραβίαση του νόμ...
Jessie J - Brit Awards Launch Inspired Look 13 Feb 2011 | 11:39 am
Hi Everyone, I took a bit of a break from blogging, I felt like I had lost my mojo a bit and was leaving a long time between each blog post. I do think this break did me some good though, I'm feeling...
Departure Lounge … 7 May 2010 | 01:24 pm
This blog is now part of the cynic museum. To find out what we’re talking about, click here.
Retirement 12 Nov 2010 | 07:08 am
From day one, the tagline of this blog was "resisting the pull of cynicism since 1969." Well, in case it isn't obvious from the few posts I have managed to eke out since early 2009 or so, I've stopped...
Britney Spears joins Tumblr. Well, her people do… 13 Apr 2011 | 02:00 am
Britney Spears is the latest artist to adopt blogging platform Tumblr, with an introductory post reading thus: ‘The Official Britney Spears Tumblr Debut. Spread the word, bitches…’ Which is nice. Brit...
New Updated BB12 Stuff ;) (updated again!) 4 Oct 2010 | 04:20 am
Updated Oct 5th: For those of you who loved reading the Big Brother Cynic articles from Drew this season, you'll be happy to know that he will be returning to blog more cynic articles for BB13!! :D w0...
Who’s Laughing Now (Jessie J) 11 Aug 2011 | 05:34 am
Virou costume no blog postar e comentar os recentes lançamentos da cantora britânica Jessie J, e não seria dessa vez que deixaríamos passar. Com uma temática anti-bullying — tema de praticamente 90% d...
A North East Brit Working For A Big Apple Agency 5 Apr 2011 | 10:56 pm
It has been a while since I last updated my blog, to long in fact. Those of you following me on Twitter will know that even though there are reasons for my time being fully saturated recently, none ar...