Most dav summit club related news are at:

Tannheimer Tal – Südsporn Klettersteig auf die Köllenspitze 23 Apr 2012 | 01:25 am
Tannheimer Tal – Südsporn Klettersteig auf die Köllenspitze Neuer Klettersteig Der neue Klettersteig auf die Köllenspitze. Bildnachweis: Tannheimer Tal Im Tannheimer Tal gibt es seit letztem Sommer ei...
DAV Expeditionskader Frauenteam 2011-2013 – Die Mädels in Argentière la Bessée… 13 Mar 2012 | 05:10 am
Endlich wieder Neuigkeiten vom DAV Expeditionskader Frauenteam! Denn auch Eis, Schnee und frostige Temperaturen halten die fünf Mädels nicht von ihrer größten Leidenschaft ab. Mitte Februar ging es fü...
More dav summit club related news:
DAV Summit Expedition Cho Oyu 2010 31 Aug 2010 | 08:59 pm
Heute startet die DAV Summit Club Expedition auf den Cho Oyu. Vier Bergsteiger werden bis Mitte Oktober versuchen, den 8.201 Meter hohen Gipfel des Cho Oyu zu besteigen. Dazu gehören Alix von Melle,.....
Odds ‘n Ends > CollectionDX Summit, Club Eternia goes through, Poe’s Ravens pledge, the return of toy magazine 20 Aug 2013 | 10:50 pm
For any New England-based Poesters, I’ll be attending the CollectionDX Summit this Saturday afternoon in Dracut, MA. If you’re interested in attending, you can check it out here (and please RSVP if yo...
Legal Leaders of Greater Birmingham 15 Aug 2013 | 03:56 am
The Muscular Dystrophy Association presented their 3rd annual event called Legal Leaders of Greater Birmingham on June 13th at the Summit Club. This Legal Leaders of Greater Birmingham board is compr...
FCASV Will Host Book Club Meeting at 2012 Training Summit 15 Dec 2011 | 11:19 am
12/14/2011 In the interest of providing participants new and different ways to learn and interact at the 2012 Summit, FCASV will be hosting a book club meeting where we will be discussing this year’s...
Marriott's Summit Watch 9 Apr 2009 | 04:36 am
Marriott Vacation Club updated gallery 'Marriott's Summit Watch'
Rio Anime Club (Rio de Janeiro) 30/10 29 Oct 2011 | 06:59 am
Tradicional evento carioca comemora 4 anos, em edição especial em Copacabana. Destaque para etapa do World Cosplay Summit.
DRL scale the heights for Bolton Lads and Girls Club … Again 22 Oct 2011 | 03:37 am
Another year, another adventure for the lucky few at DRL. After the Kilimanjaro dozen, we now have the Atlas Six, who will be braving the sub zero temperatures to climb to the summit of North Africa’s...
Jay Arnold to speak to National Boys And Girls Club Summit 1 May 2012 | 06:06 am
Jay Arnold will be speaking this week in San Diego at the 2012 State Alliance Summit of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Jay will speak at a breakout session addressing creative strategies for leg...
High Country gardening takes off in Summit County 30 May 2012 | 02:05 pm
For those seeking ideas and information about how to garden in the High Country, a $20 membership to the Summit County Garden Club could be an ideal investment. The club is now seeking new members; e...
What I learned at Gravity Summit 2 Mar 2010 | 10:55 am
One week ago I wandered out to UCLA for their 2nd annual Gravity Summit. I had scored a free pass due to my work with Social Media Club Los Angeles. Having never been to a Gravity Summit (they’re held...