Most dead ends and cosmic goals related news are at:

Untaten der Malerei. 10 Aug 2013 | 11:18 pm
Große Ereignisse werfen im September ihre langen Schatten auf Nürnberg voraus. Nürnberg ist auf dem Weg zur Kulturstadt: Untaten der Malerei. André Debus | Selbstportrait im Pelzrock | Öl auf Multipl...
Moral und Bildraum 11 Apr 2013 | 11:19 pm
In vielen Bildern des Malers Juha Sääski schleicht sich die mediale Welt bedrohlich in Wohn- und Kinderzimmer. Eine Mutter öffnet die Tür um ihre Tochter zum Essen zu rufen. Doch hinter der Tür verbir...
More dead ends and cosmic goals related news:
The Fast Way of Earning Profits With Google AdSense. 9 Feb 2011 | 01:37 am
It has got a unique online goal and task chief that's designed specifically for you so helping you plan your activities so you never get lead or stuck at another ‘dead end’ in your selling scheme....
Why Setting Goals is Fun 15 Aug 2013 | 10:41 pm
By Keith Cook Do you know a loved one or close friend that appears to be in a cycle of DESTRUCTION? Are they broke at the same time every year or in the same dead end relationship every summer? Is yo...
30×500 is Dead, Long Live 30×500 28 Mar 2013 | 11:05 pm
Another 30×500 ended, a new one just begun… but not quite. The Class… The Legend As you probably know, I developed a course called 30×500. The goal: to help other designers & developers (people like m...
The $32 million super-phone is dead 24 Aug 2013 | 06:11 am
Sometimes a good idea just isn't good enough. Plans to build a crowdfunded, Ubuntu smartphone ended on Wednesday after the project failed to meet its funding goals. Canonical, maker of the popular fr...