Most diagnose slipped disc dog related news are at:
– ohmidog! A site for dog lovers
Getting tutored in courage by a dachshund 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Just when things were looking up for a dachshund named Frank, he went blind. Frank was a neighbor in the apartment I recently moved out of, and he and his slimmer brother Bogey, have appeared on these...
Obama opposes breed specific laws 26 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
President Obama’s administration has gone on record as saying breed specific legislation is not a good idea. “We don’t support breed specific legislation — research shows that bans on certain types of...
More diagnose slipped disc dog related news:
Simnel Cake 27 Apr 2011 | 09:26 pm
We spent Easter on the Isle of Wight at my parents' home. Lovely sunny days and catching up with family. My husband is still suffering with a slipped disc but we were able to manage a short dog walk t...