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Schulung: Retrospectives in München 9 May 2011 | 11:17 pm
New Retrospective training with Diana Larsen and Stefan Roock in Munich on Jul 4th: More Informations About Stefan Roock @StefanRoock @DianaOfPortland
Who won the #crownawards from ? 15 Mar 2012 | 04:23 am
Voters at Super-Hair.Net have declared that “Glee” star Dianna Agron who recently starred in the movie The Hunters and Erin Andrews the ESPN reporter both Twitter users – to have the best hair. ...
Die Schiffs-Kontrolleurin: Wie Diana Vergara dafür sorgt, dass am @canaldepanama alles glatt läuft 8 May 2013 | 04:53 pm
In der Serie “on the road” stellen Journalistenschüler des Jahrgangs 2012 berühmte Routen auf der ganzen Welt vor – mit Hilfe von Internet und Social Media. Über Twitter, Facebook und co. finden wir M...
Diana Navarro Saluda a la Gente de Villaverde 13 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
Desde Gente de Villaverde queremos agradecer a la Cantante malagueña el saludo que manda a todos los vecinos del distrito de Villaverde en nuestra red social de Twitter (@GenteVillaverde), para todas ...
Fun and Fabulous Friday: the AHS Edition 17 Aug 2013 | 04:32 am
If you follow us or many of the big names in the Paleo/Primal sphere (Robb Wolf, Nom Nom Paleo, Whole9, Emily Deans, Diana Rodgers, Ann Wendel, etc.) no doubt your Twitter and Instagram feeds have bee...