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Product Review: Superior Farms Pet Provisions 27 Aug 2013 | 12:14 am

Hey there Montreal Dog Blog readers! So, sadness with summer almost being game over but I’m going to talk about some fun stuff you can do outside even as the weather gets cooler. Dog agility! Dog agil...

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5 Most Common Complaints About Car Insurance 9 Jan 2013 | 02:11 am

An Inside Look Screech of brakes. Yours. The other driver’s. Someone’s fault. The other driver, you, both of you, a dog darting across the street. You didn’t see it coming. Any of it. That’s why it’s ...

Outlines For Major Details Of Smokeless Cig! 10 Feb 2013 | 10:17 am

Because taking the nation by storm inside 2007, electronic cigarettes or smokeless refuses to provide out the dangerous 2nd hand smoke coming from a burning tobacco. d They provide a range of tastes w...

An Update For Those Who Still Accidentally Come To This Site 29 May 2013 | 04:42 am

Heyo! So, yesterday, my dog ran away. WHY DO ALL THE BOYS LEAVE ME? The back gate was somehow left open, I hadn't noticed, and Huck bounded out to freedom while I was inside - eating, n'est pas. When...

Now Bart Simpson has finally seen REAL boobs! 11 Jul 2012 | 04:21 am

Another sexy starlet from Simpsons show got those perfect big boobs to show us and she never refuses anyone who comes up with a hard-on… It’s time Bart Simpson to get something big inside this bosomy ...

A room for the night at Vandenberg AFB 24 Jul 2013 | 10:09 pm

The alarm was set for 5:30am. I got up to wash a load of clothes, let the dogs out for a short pee break, and go back inside to shower. It was cold and foggy outside but people were coming back to lif...

Poetry: Re: My Bag: Reply by Keith exD 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm

Thanks Deb, Thanks Ben. If you had three Beagles to walk you'd need to hire a council refuse truck. It's amazing what comes out of such a small dog every day!

Dog Food Reviews 28 Jul 2013 | 07:49 am

Dog Food Insider is the place to find the best dog food reviews and dog nutrition info on the web. Come and check out the dog food brands we've reviewed so far!

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