Most dreams dont have deadlines related news are at:

Physical Therapy 29 Jan 2011 | 06:01 pm
Apparently, all the exercises I have done in karate for the past eight years (calf raises, stretching, leg lifts, quad stretches, standing on one leg, squats) have been helping me with my physical the...
Getting Back On Track 20 Jan 2011 | 02:46 pm
Okay, so the blahs are over (for now) and I have been resting the knee, doing physical therapy and getting stronger. I am teaching Monday night (woo hoo) and I am working on getting well quick so I ca...
More dreams dont have deadlines related news:
Epiphany 23 Jan 2012 | 06:09 am
I had an epiphany asi waswakingup from a particularly bad night’s sleep. The night wasfilledwith dreams of servitude, deadlines, stress and a overload of anxiety. I started the new year with big plan...
How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Awesome Goals in 2013 26 Dec 2012 | 09:16 pm
“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napolean Hill There is a great tension between how much of our life’s achievement will come from goal-oriented behavior vs. how much will evolve from a mastery/s...
May 17 17 May 2010 | 06:38 am
Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to MAY babies. Its kinda odd to blog it though its unnecesary but I feel the need to. Odd to even dream of someone I dont know 3 times in 3 years in a row. But dr...
Dont Hesitate ; We Can 14 Jul 2011 | 03:54 am
Nowadays, many youngsters wish moreover dream to become IAS and IPS officers. It is a pretty easy job. But at the same time, to get it, one have to work hard and wise. ...
Rwanda Dream Initiative (RDI) – Initiative du Rêve Rwandais – Umugambi Rwanda Rwiza 13 Dec 2010 | 07:05 am
Rwanda Dream Initiative (RDI) – Initiative du Rêve Rwandais – Umugambi Rwanda Rwiza: Introduction Le présent document fait suite aux multiples sollicitations dont nous avons été l’objet de la part d...
You are my DREAM again last night... 7 Feb 2011 | 01:15 am
Last night I dreamed of you again... I don't know why or what's the meaning of that dream.... this was the scenario: we see each other in a like "korean restaurant"...?... at first, I dont saw...
Dont EVER stop DREAMING.......... 31 Jan 2010 | 08:51 pm
Dreams are a big part of our Lives and You must do whatever it takes to make them a Reality; by the plans you make, the course you take, and the things you do. Don't dwell on past mistakes. Leave yes...
Se7eN is coming to Malaysia! 18 Mar 2011 | 08:06 pm
what?! what did you said just now?? you dont believe me??? see this video.. lol~ waaaa.. he said he is coming.. soon~ its too good to be true guys! am i dreaming? i hope not.. because i am dy....
Come out of .com – Spend some time with you 17 Sep 2011 | 10:03 pm
Hello all my fellow travellers.Well I dont say dont do internet but dont limit yourself to Internet.Take out some time,take out some time to dream,some time to think,some time to explore,some time to ...
Subdiary: My Teenage Dream 2 Mar 2012 | 09:21 am
I decide to write down this thing in simply way because i dont have much spirit after all other things that happen to me. Btw, its not follow the order which one i really want: 1. My own house. I fe...