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Droid Life’s Top 25 Android Apps Of 2011 21 Dec 2011 | 05:20 pm
As we draw closer to the end of year, we wanted to reflect on some of the apps that seemed to have taken 2011 by storm. It was only a year ago that the Android Market hit the 200,000 apps milestone, ...
Google Play 4: Primeras vistas, diseño e interfaz 26 Mar 2013 | 10:51 pm
Luego de una filtración en videos e imágenes en la famosa web Droid Life nos ha permitido ver las creaciones de una estupenda actualización a la Google Play de Android. Estamos hablando de la Google P...
Android Peeks – home screen customization 23 Apr 2013 | 03:31 pm
One thing I like about Android… home screen customization. Watch Android team members talk about their favorite features. – Yep, Google hid them in Android 4.2. Video Rating:...
Wood back plates for Moto X may cost $50 extra 25 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
The fancy wooden back covers for the Moto X may cost an extra $50 per smartphone, according to new details found tucked inside Motorola’s website. The guys at Droid Life noticed that the back side of ...
Moto X Developer Edition идва с 32 GB памет и отключен буутлоудър 27 Aug 2013 | 08:30 am
Droid Life споделя, че Motorola е почти готова с Moto X Developer Edition. Устройството запазва основния дизайн на стандартния модел, но идва в ексклузивна цветова комбинация от черен преден и лъскав ...
Links from Delicious for August 17, 2013 17 Aug 2013 | 03:30 pm
Here are the articles or web sites that I’ve found this week and linked to on my Delicious Bookmarks: Why I Use an iPhone [Opinion] – Droid Life A writer for an Android web site says why he prefers ...
Motorola Moto X Developer Edition – Chiar pentru cunoscatori? 27 Aug 2013 | 01:58 pm
Motorola se pregateste sa lanseze noua varianta Moto X Developer Edition, un model ce beneficiaza de 32 GB de stocare si un bootloader deblocabil. Droid -Life mentioneaza aparitia noului Moto X De...
Moto X Officially Arrives at Verizon on August 29 – Droid Life 27 Aug 2013 | 01:10 am
Phones Review Moto X Officially Arrives at Verizon on August 29 Droid Life A company like Verizon doesn't seem as eager to jump onto something unless its been tried and proven which might explain why...
Samsung Exec Confirms September 4 Unveiling of Galaxy Note 3 and Gear Watch, Front Pa 27 Aug 2013 | 07:50 pm
Via A Samsung official sat down with the Korea Times this week to discuss their plans for an upcoming September 4 event that we are all expecting to be the unveiling of the Galaxy Not...