Most dusted with flour related news are at:

Halloween Treats 31 Oct 2012 | 01:59 am
A little Halloween decorating fun. Now if I can just scrape together some free time I will add some details about making these little pretties. ;)
Peanut Butter Cookie Cake 2.0 2 Oct 2012 | 12:29 am
The original version of this cake can be found here. I went a wee bit overboard on this version. I may have finally gone too far on a dessert. ;) I didn't think I'd ever hear myself say that thoug...
More dusted with flour related news:
It's the most won-der-ful time of the year... 12 Dec 2011 | 11:23 am
Time to dust the flour off of this - & mix up the dough for these - What's on your cooky sheet this weekend?
Squid With Wild Edibles 16 May 2013 | 12:03 am
This dish of squid dusted in flour and Cornish sea salt, makes for a wondrous taste-tingling experience. Combined with wild edibles such as rock samphire seeds deep fried in hot sesame oil, and other...
Neha Dhupia break up with Ritwik 3 Jan 2008 | 01:55 am
Neha Dhupia break up with Ritwik Another actor-sportsman affair bites the dust. Neha Dhupia and squash player Ritwik Bhattacharya have apparently split. The break-up came to the fore during the Sunbu...
5 reasons I love SASS – The Future of CSS and Stylesheets 23 May 2012 | 03:20 pm
My introduction to SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) started with the Mobify platform, where I was introduced to SASS, Kaffeine, Dust JS and Git in mass amounts. At first, I was reluctant to us...
Episode 15 of the Final Season of LOST 13 May 2010 | 07:12 am
SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Loads of info in this episode of LOST. So much so that I am completely caught up on the series (brushes dust off hands). Excellent. Something about those "18 or older" signs attr...
And another one bites the dust… 13 May 2011 | 03:14 pm
Earlier this week, I got word that our translator for Hourou Musuko (“Usagi-chan” ) is retiring asap … What is it about summer and translators retiring ?? Anyway, We wish him luck and all that jazz. ...
Liz Plays with Black Roses 3 Jan 2008 | 04:37 pm
Horny gothic girl Liz dressed in pink corset and stocking. She lies on the flour and plays with pinkish pussy by black rose.
Dust Mite Allergy 20 Sep 2008 | 05:37 am
What is a dust mite allergy? Dust mite allergy is an allergy to a microscopic organism that lives in the dust found in all dwellings and workplaces. House dust, as well as some house furnishings, con...
Non-Dairy Carrot- Pineapple Cake Recipe 18 Aug 2010 | 07:10 am
Image via Wikipedia Ingredients: 2 cups white flour 1½ tsp baking powder 1tsp baking soda 1½ cups sugar ½ tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp ground ginger 2 cups grated carrots 1 cup chopped fres...
5 Reasons you should specialize right now 29 May 2012 | 12:54 am
We are in a drought. Not a metaphorical drought. That’s for city people. We are in a drought that is crop failure. I’ve read a lot about the Dust Bowl during the Depression. My favorite book is a chi...