Most eclipse rcp related news are at:
The Internet of Things @ Eclipse 23 Aug 2013 | 10:38 am
The Eclipse Foundation encourages the growth of Eclipse Working Groups, that are formed to facilitate collaboration between companies and organizations, to focus, promote and augment Eclipse technolog...
RAP, OSGi & HibernateSearch Infinispan Cluster 22 Aug 2013 | 10:39 am
While trying to setup Hibernate search on an Infinspan cluster for my Remote Application Platform application I came across another "Hibernate doesn't like OSGi" oddity. The JMS setup for Hibernate S...
More eclipse rcp related news:
Eclipse Training Series Special Offers 8 May 2012 | 10:00 am
EclipseSource is offering special discounts on Eclipse RCP and Modeling courses as part of the Eclipse Training Series
Installing the Eclipse RCP Delta pack (for beginners) 6 May 2010 | 01:41 am
I’ve decided to write this little step-by-step illustrated guide to help out some fellows who were always having trouble on exporting Eclipse products for multiple platforms. This is a little differen...
Forked EclipseToMavenTooling 4 Jan 2011 | 10:25 pm
At my company we currently build our GUI clients based on Eclipse RCP. To create and deploy a RCP for our products we use maven combined with the assembly plugin and install4j. This requires that ever...
Issue in Java Web Start and Eclipse RCP 18 Apr 2012 | 06:57 pm
I am attempting to run an Eclipse RCP application using Java Web Start. However, I encounter this error after the application is downloaded and run: JNLP JREDesc in Component ignored: null After tha...
Eclipse Rich Client Platform Tutorial 11 Apr 2008 | 10:57 pm
Komplettes Tutorial über die Erstellung von Eclipse RCP applicationen (englisch). Behandelt werden Menues, Views, Editoren, Dialoge und die Erstellung eines auflieferbaren Produktes. Weiterlesen
【Excelsior JET 8.0 MP1 发布】Excelsior JET 8.0 Maintenance Pack 1 增加企业版对 Equinox OSGi 3.9 和 Eclipse RCP 4.3 的支持。修复了一些 bug,改进了内存管理和垃圾收集器,收集了日志信息和诊断信息。 Exc... 27 Aug 2013 | 10:50 am
Excelsior JET 8.0 Maintenance Pack 1 增加企业版对 Equinox OSGi 3.9 和 Eclipse RCP 4.3 的支持。修复了一些 bug,改进了内存管理和垃圾收集器,收集了日志信息和诊断信息。 Excelsior JET是一款有提前编译技术的Java虚拟 ...
Excelsior JET 8.0 MP1 Fixes Bugs, Improves MM Logging, Adds Support for Eclipse RCP 4.3 22 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
The just released Excelsior JET 8.0 Maintenance Pack 1 adds support for Equinox OSGi 3.9 and Eclipse RCP 4.3 to the Enterprise Edition. It also fixes a number of customer issues and delivers improveme...
Construction d'applications Eclipse RCP basées sur Eclipse 4, un tutoriel de Lars Vogel, traduit par Idir Ait Yahia 15 Jul 2013 | 12:00 pm
Bonjour, Ce sujet est destiné au suivi du tutoriel Construction d'applications Eclipse RCP basées sur Eclipse 4 Citation: Cet article est une traduction de l'article original Building Eclipse RCP a...
java.util.logging et Eclipse RCP Plugin 11 Jul 2013 | 12:26 pm
Voilà un article suite à quelques difficultés rencontrées pour utiliser un logger perso (basé sur java.util.logging et non log4j) au sein d’un plugin Eclipse. J’essayais en effet de définir plusieurs ...
Java: Eclipse – Allianz Cornhill 24 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
Experience: 2-5 years Job Description Exp in Java technologies. (Junit, Core Java, Eclipse RCP) Excellent knowledge OOAD, Design Patterns and UML Knowledge of XML & XSL Experience in SWT, Jface ...