Most edema related news are at:

AIDS 6 Feb 2010 | 11:46 pm
AIDS atau Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome adalah suatu sindrom “serbuan” penyakit-penyakit terhadap tubuh akibat menurunnya sistem kekebalan. AIDS disebabkan oleh Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV...
Alergi 6 Feb 2010 | 11:43 pm
Alergi adalah gejala klinik berupa rasa gatal, kemerahan dikulit, bintik-bintik kecil merata diseluruh tubuh ataupun bentol-bentol yang luas dengan permukaan yang lebih tinggi dari kulit sekitar, yang...
More edema related news:
Hinchazón de Pies 13 Jul 2010 | 07:00 pm
La hinchazón de pies, tobillos y piernas son edemas que ocurren cuando se acumula mucho líquido en los tejidos. Durante el embarazo, llega a ser normal tener cierto grado de hinchazón, pues los cambio...
Dance – Haiku 180 29 Dec 2010 | 06:19 pm
Back after a holiday from the computer...a holiday filled with doctors and physiotherapy and a painkillers that gave me a rash and 4 days of facial edema...and now I faithfully sit in front of my dear...
Hipertensi Pada Masa Kehamilan 15 Apr 2012 | 07:14 am
Yang dimaksud dengan hipertensi disertai kehamilan adalah hipertensi yang telah ada sebelum kehamilan. Apabila dalam masa kehamilan disertai dengan proteinuria dan edema maka disebut pre-eklampsia yan...
Does Lasix make you tired? 5 Aug 2011 | 12:53 am
In order to fully understand if Lasix can make you tired, you need to know more about the way in which this medication does its work. Namely, it is used primarily for treating hypertension and edema, ...
Does Lasix lower blood pressure? 5 Aug 2011 | 12:52 am
If you are researching Lasix as a medication that you are considering to start taking, then you are either suffering from edema or from high blood pressure that needs to be managed by medications. Thi...
How does Lasix actually work? 5 Aug 2011 | 12:48 am
When we were starting this blogsite, we envisioned it as a place where people can come and find answers to their questions about Lasix, a loop diuretic that is used in treating conditions like edema a...
Symptoms And Causes Of Water Retention In Legs 26 Oct 2011 | 05:18 am
Water retention in the legs is a condition known as peripheral edema, which is a serious condition that causes swelling in bodily tissues as a result of excess fluid. Typically the swelling is painles...
Glaukoma 5 Dec 2010 | 11:39 pm
Trauma atau penyakit yang merusak endotel akan mengakibatkan sistem pompa endotel terganggu sehingga dekompensasi endotel dan teejadi edema kornea. Endotel tidak mempunyai daya regenerasi. Kornea ...
Acute pulmonary edema 9 Apr 2012 | 04:06 am
Acute pulmonary edema What is an acute pulmonary edema? Your lungs contain millions of small, elastic lung sacs called alveoli. With every breath, you take, transfer oxygen from the alveoli to the bl...
Como acabar com a celulite?!? 6 Aug 2010 | 12:34 am
Antes de tudo precisamos saber o que é celulite e por que ela acomete 90% das mulheres do mundo todo. O Fibro Edema Gelóide (FEG), popularmente conhecido como CELULITE nada mais é do que um acúmulo hí...