Most edge ranking related news are at:

Website Design and Development for Marley Coffee 31 May 2013 | 02:40 am
Our newest website design was for Marley Coffee. Bob Marley’s son, Rohan, has his own line and brand of coffee and coffee vending machines. We were more than excited when we were contacted by the comp...
5 Tips for a Better LinkedIn Profile to further your Career 19 May 2013 | 10:16 am
It always surprises me a) how many people are still not on LinkedIn and b) how many people who are on LinkedIn have not bothered to finish filling out their profile. From a professional point of view,...
More edge ranking related news:
Comment créer de l’engagement sur votre page Facebook ? 7 Oct 2012 | 09:11 pm
Après quelques éléments introductifs sur l’edge rank et la notion de taux d’engagement, je vous propose une série de trucs à essayer pour favoriser l’engagement sur votre page Facebook. 4 parties à la...
Facebook und der edge rank – Seitenbeiträge erscheinen nicht in den Neuigkeiten 2 Nov 2012 | 04:37 pm
Seit einiger Zeit hat Facebook den sogenannten edge rank eingeführt. Vor allem für Fanseitenbetreiber ist dies teilweise sehr ärgerlich, da ihre Meldungen nun nicht mehr automatisch auf der Startseite...
Vettel extends Rankings domination after third straight crown 30 Nov 2012 | 03:17 pm
Sebastian Vettel extended his domination of the Castrol EDGE Rankings after dragging his battered Red Bull to a third straight Formula 1 world championship crown in a wild Brazil finale. The German ha...
Whincup on top as Davison rallies in V8s finale 4 Dec 2012 | 12:01 am
Jamie Whincup ended the year assured of his status as the highest-ranked V8 Supercars driver in the Castrol EDGE Rankings following his fourth championship triumph, while Will Davison rallied to finis...
AllFacebook Marketing Konferenz 2012 – Auf der Suchen nach dem Edge Rank 14 Jan 2013 | 04:40 pm
Am 21.11. fand in Berlin wieder das alljährliche Treffen für alle Social-Media-Fans statt: die AllFacebook Marketing Konferenz 2012. Hauptbestandteil der Konferenz war der weit diskutierte und kritisi...
Persuasive power of video and edge rank 30 Mar 2013 | 09:50 am
Persuading others or using the influence process using video is not a new process even if you are on Facebook. If you watch anything on the television or internet that is in video format you are wa...
Vettel extends Rankings domination after third straight crown 30 Nov 2012 | 04:17 pm
Sebastian Vettel extended his domination of the Castrol EDGE Rankings after dragging his battered Red Bull to a third straight Formula 1 world championship crown in a wild Brazil finale. The German ha...
Whincup on top as Davison rallies in V8s finale 4 Dec 2012 | 01:01 am
Jamie Whincup ended the year assured of his status as the highest-ranked V8 Supercars driver in the Castrol EDGE Rankings following his fourth championship triumph, while Will Davison rallied to finis...
Facebook und der edge rank – Seitenbeiträge erscheinen nicht in den Neuigkeiten 2 Nov 2012 | 04:37 pm
Seit einiger Zeit hat Facebook den sogenannten edge rank eingeführt. Vor allem für Fanseitenbetreiber ist dies teilweise sehr ärgerlich, da ihre Meldungen nun nicht mehr automatisch auf der Startseite...
L’Edge Rank non va in soffitta, anzi migliora (anche se non si chiama più così) 7 Aug 2013 | 09:29 pm
Ieri sera sono saltata sulla sedia quando ho visto Vincenzo Cosenza twittare che l’Edge Rank, cioè il criterio con cui Facebook sceglie quali aggiornamenti farci vedere, sarebbe andato in pensione: #...