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Tata Cara Upacara Tea Pai 13 Oct 2012 | 08:34 am
Acara tea pai adalah tradisi cina yang biasa dilakukan pada saat pernikahan. Maksud dari acara ini adalah untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada para keluarga masing-masing pengantin baik pria dan wani...
Catatan Sipil 23 Sep 2012 | 08:09 am
Buat calon pengantin yang sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan, Catatan Sipil merupakan salah satu hal yang terpenting. Legalisasi pernikahan, selain dari Lembaga Agama, Lembaga Negara juga wajib hukumnya....
More event organiser related news:
Something Blue: AVATAR Weddings 23 Dec 2010 | 06:44 am
Come on, you know you’ve always wanted to have an AVATAR-themed wedding…oh, you haven’t? Well, some fans have. Recently, there came this news: “Enterprising events organisers in natural beauty spot Wu...
Pure Pristine Event Organisers 24 Aug 2011 | 08:49 am
by carriejeberhardt Fireworks & Pyro Jobs E book Fireworks & Pyro Projects, is the biggest and most thrilling assortment of useful fireworks jobs ever assembled in a single book. Fireworks & Pyro Task...
Five practical tips for SME’s to organise better events 5 Apr 2012 | 04:59 am
Organising events is a great way for SMEs to build awareness, connect with their target audiences and establish positioning within their industry. But organising a great event – with mutual value for...
“Not Walking with Dinosaurs” – Top UK CIO Recommends Social 1 Jun 2011 | 02:20 am
Last week I had the pleasure of hearing Paul Coby speak at the annual CIO Leadership event organised by Simon La Fosse and his team. Around 300 senior IT leaders braved the torrential rain to arrive a...
GWD AT UPFEST BRISTOL 5 Jun 2010 | 05:35 am
Tomorrow some members of GWD will be taking part in this years UPFEST, joining fellow creatives Decked, Boys Who Draw, Inkygoodness & more in a very special Live Illustration Drawing event! Organised ...
30 Volunteers Help Plant 2,200 Trees At Norbury Park 24 Jan 2012 | 11:00 pm
Proving that local spirit isn’t dead, more than 30 volunteers met to plant more than 2,200 trees at Norbury Park, a country estate and manor house in Surrey. The event, organised by Surrey Wildlife T...
Ensuring Crowd Safety at Major Events 13 Aug 2011 | 05:30 pm
Organising an event that's likely to gather large crowds? Your priority should always be human safety. Make sure you consider this crucial factor in every decision you make. Don't jeopardise human liv...
Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih 8 Sep 2010 | 02:44 am
An event organised by a good friend of mine, IJAD of THE WHITEROOM KUALA LUMPUR. Thats him sitting to my right on the pic above.Thanks ijad for letting Sheda and i to join your team. Since most of u...
Earth Week 25 Apr 2012 | 07:40 pm
Do you know that actually empty beverage cartons can be recycled too? Well, I've no knowledge about this at all until I got a job for this event. Yeah, it's the earth week event organised by Tetra Pak...
Fund Raised For School Through Auctioning of Art 26 Dec 2011 | 06:52 pm
In a unique event organised in Kathmandu, paintings by artist Kapil Mani Dixit were auctioned to raise funds for a school in west Nepal. In a unique act of philanthropy, art connoisseurs and generous...