Most everyman sleep schedule related news are at:

bicycle touring (idea) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:33 am
Eating logistics for bike touring I wrote this article for my blog but decided I'd try posting it here first to see if you all wonderful folks had any suggestions, comments or criticisms! No matter ...
The grass that needed to be cut (poetry) 26 Aug 2013 | 02:49 am
It was almost light 20 minutes after she had woken him five minutes after he had caught his breath He thought he should mention that this was the day he would take her car for an oil change Later...
More everyman sleep schedule related news:
Baby Sleep Schedules 28 Dec 2011 | 09:27 am
Baby Sleep Schedules All babies have different sleep patterns and some lucky parents end up with a baby that goes to bed at 7 PM and sleeps right the way through to 7 AM the following morning. Unfo...
5 tips for getting kids back on a school sleep schedule 21 Aug 2010 | 12:44 pm
Adjusting Sleep Schedule for a New School Year Get Started Early to Get Kids to Bed Early Like most parents, the most challenging part of starting a new school year is the transition from a summer s...
My brother 13 Apr 2012 | 05:42 am
See? I'm back! Totally! ...sorta. The school year is starting to wind down, and my sleep schedule should be returning to semi-normal in a month or two. As such, I will once again need an outlet for ...
47/62 27 Aug 2009 | 10:53 am
I love it take a good nap. Today was not a nap day though:( your sleeping schedule has gotten all out of whack. You were awake for about an hour in the middle of the night last night and...
We are back from Taiwan... 19 Nov 2007 | 12:25 pm
We are home from Taiwan. Landon did pretty well in Taiwan this time for the most part. A big problem was his sleep schedule. Even when he did sleep most of the night his body still thought it was slee...
I think Mother Nature is winning. 31 Jul 2009 | 06:48 am
Have been trying to change my sleeping schedule to something more human, and mostly failing. Have been successful in feeling like utter crap, though. /o\ Nature still hates me, obviously, since after...
How to Care for Cockatiels 14 Aug 2010 | 07:33 am
The Appropriate Diet and Sleep Schedule Here are two secrets about the care of your cockatiel that may add 5 to 10 years to their life. You can indisputably extend the life of your cockatiel by ensur...
Chihuahua Whining 7 Feb 2011 | 04:38 am
So your Chihuahua whining is restricting your sleeping schedule to intermittent snoozes. Is he/she always barking and crying? Is your Chihuahua whining problem causing a rift between you and the neigh...
The Value of Writing It Down 6 Jan 2011 | 12:39 pm
June 2010 - lost about 50lbs before my surgery Just the thought of recording everything I eat, drink, and weigh set me on edge! Add to that a medicine and sleep schedule and it is more then enough.....
+s and -s 19 Aug 2009 | 01:41 pm
I'd like to write much more about all of these things, but I'd also like to get on a semi-decent sleep schedule. Lots of cleaning and such to do tomorrow, in preparation for my roommate's arrival Frid...