Most excel mac sparklines related news are at:

SfE for Office 2011 Mac and Office 2013 PC 26 Nov 2012 | 06:08 pm
Quick post here, as most of the activity is now on SfE Forum (see previous post for link). I just tested SfE on Office 2011 for Mac. Works reasonably well but needs some modifications (shadow is add...
SfE for Mac and Office 2013 PC 26 Nov 2012 | 06:08 pm
Quick post here, as most of the activity is now on SfE Forum (see previous post for link). I just tested SfE on Office 2011 for Mac. Works reasonably well but needs some modifications (shadow is add...
More excel mac sparklines related news:
The Fool 29 Feb 2012 | 12:53 am
In this excellent Mac game, help The Fool become a hero and save the fair princess, Catherine, from the gaping jaws of a scary dragon!
Ultimate Mac & Cheese, Redux 25 Sep 2007 | 05:29 am
Do you have what you consider to be an excellent Mac & Cheese recipe? If so, you may wish to enter the Tillamook Macaroni & Cheese Cook-Off. From the contest website: The third annual Tillamook Macaro...
Fantastical: excellent Mac desktop calendar 16 Aug 2011 | 05:44 am
Fantastical is what it claims to be a fantastic iCal. I have been using Fantastical now for over 2 weeks and I’m very pleased with it. Fantastical sits in my menu bar and gives me a quick way to view ...
Contabilidad casera: Android, Excel, Mac y online 22 Jul 2012 | 10:26 pm
Manejar la contabilidad casera a través de un programa de contabilidad doméstica es un aspecto muy importante a la hora de llevar un conteo de las finanzas en el hogar, esto por circunstancias que reb...
Four short links: 7 July 2011 - C64 Presales, Coding Lessons Learned, Feedback Loops, and Continuous Integration 8 Jul 2011 | 12:24 am
Commodore 64 PC -- gorgeous retro look with fairly zippy modern internals. (via Rob Passarella) Designing Github for Mac -- a retrospective from the author of the excellent Mac client for github. He t...
Aller à la ligne sur Excel Mac 7 Apr 2013 | 12:57 am
Sur Excel version MAc, pour passer à la ligne dans l’édition d’une cellule, vous devez faire : CMD + ALT + ENTREE
Minigráficas (sparklines) en Excel 19 Feb 2013 | 12:13 pm
Un sparkline es por definición una gráfica de pequeñas dimensiones con baja densidad de datos. Ahora Excel 2010 ya te permite estás gráficas en una celda.
How to setup Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion 24 Jan 2012 | 02:16 am
Django is an excellent web-framework written in Python. Here is a quick setup guide for installing Django and MySQL-python on Mac OS X Lion. Setup Django - Download latest Django here - At this po...
How to transform QuickTime MOV to SWF on Windows and mac osx 30 May 2012 | 06:35 pm
Article Submit If you wish to convert mov to swf mac, creatine Flash file from .mov file, mov to swf converter mac would be the excellent tool, which assists you mov to swf mac file with rapidly spee...
How to transform QuickTime MOV to SWF on Windows and mac osx 30 May 2012 | 06:38 pm
Free Articles Directory If you wish to convert mov to swf mac, creatine Flash file from .mov file, mov to swf converter mac would be the excellent tool, which assists you mov to swf mac file with rap...