Most fermented dilly beans related news are at:

Daybook for the first day of July 1 Jul 2013 | 05:41 pm
Outside my Window… we are enjoying blooming flowers! The roses are blooming as are the Day Lilies and the purple clematis climbing up the fence. In bright, brutal, summertime force. I am thinking… ...
It doesn’t have to be a struggle . . . 31 May 2013 | 07:11 pm
Earlier this spring, when the snow was still on the ground, I began my garden indoors. I bought special seed starting trays, special organic, seed starting potting mix, and inventoried my seeds. L...
More fermented dilly beans related news:
My Friends: Lacto-Fermented Dilly Carrots 29 Apr 2012 | 09:54 am
Before we get into lacto fermented dilly carrots let me take a few steps back and provide context on why I’m so excited about this recipe. My daughter’s worsening symptoms and growing allergies p...
Chocolate passion 6 Dec 2011 | 04:57 am
Today's piece of useless knowledge: did you know that the taste of chocolate partly depends on what sort of microbes were fermenting the beans before roasting? ;) Anyhow, everybody knows that chocola...
Snowmen 10 Jan 2013 | 03:07 am
I’ve been creating a number of snowman ATCs for a swap in our Yahoo-group and this is the card I made as a treat for my swap partner: It’s my entry for the current Dilly Beans ‘Snowmen’ challenge. St...
蒜蓉豆豉蒸肉排【傳統家常小菜】 Steamed Pork Ribs with Fermented Black Beans 5 Aug 2013 | 07:23 am
以前跟老爸上廣東茶樓,也喜歡一盅兩件。點了一盅豆豉蒸肉排飯,加一兩碟點心,已飽飽了囉。一直以來,頗喜歡這道傳統家常小菜 —— 蒜蓉豆豉蒸肉排。簡單方便。切好肉排,把所有調味料拌勻,丟進鑊中去蒸。加幾條蠔油青菜,又是一道簡便餐。懶筋發動時,或繁忙又不想出外吃的日子,這是一味救命方。甚至可預先醃好肉排,放入雪櫃中,隨時拿出來蒸,就有得吃呢。 有不少讀者曾留言問基絲汀,本來喜歡吃豬肉或肉排等等,可惜覺...
there is a chance I might have a canning addiction. (alternate title: how to make pickled dilly beans.) 7 Aug 2013 | 11:24 am
Monday was a holiday here in Canada. I don’t think there is anything I love more than holiday Mondays. I don’t feel dread creeping in on Sunday evening, and who doesn’t like a three-day weekend? I mea...
Dilly Beans 20 Jul 2013 | 02:16 am
Dilly Beans are probably our all time favorite summer snack! It started out as an accident. I ran out of cucumbers for making sun pickles and threw in some green beans. The girls LOVED them and we'...
Nochmal spooky.... 21 Aug 2013 | 12:31 pm
...diesmal eine Serie in schwarz-weiß für Spooky & Scary. Zuerst "kleine Monster"ATCs für Dilly Beans.... .... und ein Tag für TIO. Das Rezept von Barnie war eine ziemliche Herausforderung für mi.....
Pickled Dill Beans 13 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
This week, I’m updating my favorite canning recipes. Late summer vegetables are here! Whoo hoo! My wife devours pickled green beans. I used to make refrigerator pickled dilly beans, but it felt like...
The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World 2 May 2012 | 10:01 am
With practical information on fermenting vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, beans, meats, and more… The Art of Fermentation is the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever pub...
Apple Cider Vinegar 25 Jul 2012 | 03:55 am
By Daisy Lear So many cultures include some type of vinegar or a fermented food with their meals. For example, a dish in Germany will include sauerkraut or a side dish of beans and vegetables soaked...