Most fight gone bad fundraiser crossfit related news are at:

8.27 WOD: Snatching 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 am
EAST side Burnet Rd and Downtown: A) 7×2 Snatch B) 3 Rounds: Row 500m 21 Pull-Ups 12 Deadlifts (225/135) WEST side Burnet Rd and Downtown: A) Every 75 sec x 7 15 DUs or 30 for practice 3 Power Cl...
8.26 WOD: Toes 2 Bar 26 Aug 2013 | 06:00 am
EAST side Burnet Rd and Downtown: For Time: 25 T2B 50 Wall Ball (20/14) 50 Burpees 50 KB Swings (1.5P/1P) 50 Lunges 50 Dual DB Push Press (40/25) 25 T2B WEST side Burnet Rd and Downtown: Every 75 ...
More fight gone bad fundraiser crossfit related news:
Sponsor Me in the 2007 CrossFit “Fight Gone Bad” Fundraiser! 21 Sep 2007 | 05:33 am
This year will mark my first participation in the CrossFit “Fight Gone Bad” Fundraiser, presented by Athletes for a Cure. Athletes for a Cure is a fundraising and awareness program of the Prostate Can...
CrossFit Fight Gone Bad Tabata Style 20 Jun 2012 | 12:58 am
Today at the gym we did CrossFit Fight Gone Bad, tabata style. It was honestly way harder than the regular fight gone bad. So, it’s the same movements as the regular fight gone bad: Wallballs @ 20 lb...
Fight Gone Bad: Not just “circuits”… 26 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm
I heard recently some guys put their head round the door of a Crossfit gym (not ours), and declared, “Crossfit’s just circuits, innit?” Similarly, a question came up about this workout: “Isn’t this li...
Tiukkaakin tiukempi WOD – ”Fight Gone Bad!” 22 Aug 2013 | 02:56 pm
Mitä WOD tarkoittaa? ”Workout of the Day”, eli ”päivän treeni”, on CrossFit -treenaajille suunnattu sarja erilaisia ja vaihtelevia, mutta erittäin tehokkaita treenejä. Yleisimmin tämä tarkoittaa joko...