Most forbearance paladin wow related news are at:

female druid forms 28 Oct 2010 | 05:18 am
Someone asked for female druid forms at blizzcon. Initially, I thought omg that's so dumb, what a gigantic waste of a question! Look at that tree out the window. Is that a boy tree or a girl tree? I d...
Who Moved My Cheese? 20 Oct 2010 | 04:18 am
I like comfort zone. I hate getting out of the bed. I like status quo. I hate change. 1) With the inception of Plate Specialization, I had to put away my ilvl 277 Emporio Armani leather cinch and buy...
More forbearance paladin wow related news:
What does Patch 5.1 have for Paladins? 27 Dec 2012 | 06:10 am
WoW have released the patch 5.1 (Landfall) recently with a lot of updates, but looks like it doesn’t have a lot of interest for the Paladins. Here are the patch official notes for paladins: Light of D...
Wrath of the Lich King: Hits and Misses 3 Nov 2010 | 02:29 am
I'm always thrilled when I see a new post from Rohan. Blessing of Kings was the first WoW blog I ever read, back when I was looking for some good Holy Paladin information. Today, Rohan asked ‘How was ...
Retribution Paladin Patch 4.2 WoW News 24 Jun 2011 | 02:41 am
Hello, I am Edenwyl, from the french server Dalaran EU, and I would like to share some information about the upcoming 4.2 patch, regarding the Retribution Paladin (it’s a short version of what you can...
WoW Paladin Guide 16 Sep 2012 | 01:22 am
WoW Paladin GuideThe Paladin is a very versatile class to play in WoW as they are capable tanking, healing and deal out some heavy damage if need be. The Paladin is well equipped and can suit up in pl...
WoW Paladin Guide: Retribution talents and glyphs for Terrace of Endless Spring 19 Jan 2013 | 07:26 pm
by Dan Desmond I really like Terrace of Endless Spring. In my eyes, Terrace represents a continuation of the process of experimentation the developers began in Trial of the Crusader, namely that of m...
WoW… Oh hei! I still play that! 15 Jun 2013 | 12:12 am
You know you’ve fallen out of the loop when you come across lists of Holy Paladin bloggers… and your name is nowhere to be found. Which is fair enough – I haven’t written anything substantial since th...
Holy Paladin PvP Gear Guide 29 Jul 2013 | 04:20 am
Mists of Pandaria Holy Paladin PvP Gearing: How to Gear Enchant and Reforge a Holy Paladin in WoW PVP – Season 13 Patch 5.3 BY RUGMOUSE // APRIL 11, 2013 This guide is a collaborative effort with Ne...
On Epicness: A Personal Take 30 Jul 2013 | 02:21 am
Every week, A Paladin’s Tale does a Monday Morning Breakfast Topic. I really enjoyed their latest topic: “Why ‘epic’ no longer means epic, & what the WoW Dev team could do to resolve the issue to brin...
Επιστροφή στο WoW. Σε ποιον server? 2 Aug 2013 | 09:27 pm
Mετα απο 3+ έτη αποχής επέστρεψα ,καθως δεν αντεξα την προσφορά της blizzard στα 3ε για το battlechest. Εχω φτιάξει ενα paladin στον twisting nether. Aλλα δεν εχω προβλημα να αλλαξω. Ψαχνω για high p...
Initial impressions of Hearthstone and the paladin deck 20 Aug 2013 | 08:51 pm
Posted in Uncategorized Along with the other writers at WoW Insider, I received an invite to the Hearthstone beta and as a result I’ve been fairly immersed in the game over the last few days. I shoul...