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NYT on Beck’s Departure: Fox Saw “Refusal Of Hundreds of Fox Advertisers” To Place Ads On Beck As An Issue 9 Apr 2011 | 05:01 am
As you may have heard by now, Fox News cancelled Glenn Beck’s television show. And, the New York Times reported that Glenn Beck’s advertiser problem was a factor in the decision. cancel From an April...
Glenn Beck, Christians and Mormons (Pew Research Center) 5 May 2012 | 01:52 am
Sept. 2, 2010 Fox News host Glenn Beck’s Aug. 28 rally — “Restoring Honor” — on the National Mall as well as his recent criticisms of President Obama have focused strongly on religion, and specifical...
Glenn Beck’s Fox News Exit By The Numbers 20 Feb 2012 | 12:33 pm
Overview Following a series of increasingly hostile public exchanges between Fox News and Glenn Beck’s camp, Beck’s “transition” off of Fox was announced on April 6. Fox recently confirmed that Beck’...
Kansas City Radio Station Discovers That Replacing Glenn Beck Is Good For Business 12 Apr 2011 | 02:39 am
By now, you might have heard that Fox News is canceling Glenn Beck’s television show. But, did you know that since the beginning of 2011, 8 radio stations have dropped Glenn Beck’s radio show their l...
Glenn Beck Leaves Fox News to Become Self-Help Guru 9 Apr 2011 | 04:28 am
In an exclusive, longtime friend of the blog, Glenn Beck has revealved to Don’t Step in the Poop that he will leave his Fox show in order to become a self-help guru. He will be promote his new self-h...
Kristol vs Beck… Well, this ought to be interesting 9 Feb 2011 | 08:30 am
Last week, Fox News’ Glenn Beck launched a week-long effort to explain developments in Egypt as only he can. The deranged media personality cooked up truly bizarre conspiracy theories — even by his st...
Report: Glenn Beck’s Last Show On Fox News Will Be June 30 3 Jun 2011 | 03:16 am
On April 6, 2011, Glenn Beck announced that he’ll “transition off” his Fox News show. Today, it is being reported that Glenn Beck’s final show on Fox News will take place on June 30, 2011. More than ...
Fox News’ Mike Huckabee Responds To Glenn Beck Attacking Him 22 Apr 2011 | 04:18 am
From an April 21, 2011 response posted on Mike Huckabee’s website (emphasis added): This week Glenn Beck has taken to his radio show to attack me as a Progressive, which he has said is the same as a ...
HuffPo Slideshow: 12 Things Glenn Beck Can Do With His Newfound Free Time (with shout out to StopBeck effort) 12 Apr 2011 | 10:43 am
Today, the Huffington Post’s comedy section posted a slideshow with some suggestions for how Glenn Beck can fill his free time now that Fox News has canceled his show. The StopBeck effort gets a shou...
Fox News President Roger Ailes Lashes Out At “Weak-Kneed” Advertisers That Boycotted Glenn Beck 9 Apr 2011 | 05:50 am
As previously reported, Glenn Beck’s advertiser troubles played a part in Fox News’ decision to cancel Beck’s show. What hasn’t gotten much attention is how Fox News’ President, Roger Ailes, character...