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UIDE etc. (Aug. 26) 27 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
Jack Ellis has been working hard again. "UHDD now runs from a 28-byte parameter table, as described in its UHDD.TXT file. UDVD2 now accepts a /S cache-size switch (same values up to 4-GB as for UHDD/U...
UIDE etc. (Aug. 20) 22 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
On August 20, Jack Ellis again updated his suite of UIDE drivers. "The 20-Aug-2013 DRIVERS.ZIP now includes the new UCACHE2.SYS, a 'cache only' driver. UCACHE2 has no device I-O logic and is called ...
More free ms dos related news:
Download 117 Free Microsoft Office Calendar Templates for 2010 20 Apr 2010 | 03:41 am
Are you looking for free Microsoft office templates for 2010? Look no further. Here are 117 free MS-Office calendar templates for your personal and business use. These calendar templates are available...
100% Free MS! 25 Jul 2011 | 09:31 pm
WE NOW SEND OUR CODES IN A SECURE DOWNLOAD!!! Right now, you are thinking one of these thoughts "This is so real!" " Is this really works!" "This is too good to be true." Well, so did we at first...
苹果系统下创建Windows分区详细步骤图解(不使用BootCamp助理) 14 Dec 2011 | 06:10 am
苹果系统下点【前往】,点【实用工具】 双击【磁盘工具】 左侧选中本机硬盘,然后点【分区】按钮,直接输入你想留给苹果系统的分区大小并回车 点【+】按钮 鼠标点硬盘的第二块区域,然后在分区格式中选择“MS-DOS(FAT)” 在分区名称中输入“BOOTCAMP”(此处不可随意输入),点【应用】按钮 点【分区】按钮 蓝色进度条完毕后,Windows分区即创建完毕 点【重新启动】后按住键盘...
Leisure Suit Larry 27 Apr 2012 | 03:43 pm
The other day, I was sitting there wondering what happened to Sierra and Leisure Suit Larry. For those of you who remember playing games in MS-DOS and using typed commands like “pick up sword” to play...
如果你是UI Designer,下次一定要換台Mac 11 Oct 2011 | 12:20 am
首先,這不是一篇廣告文。而是我在用了Macbook近一年後,發自內心的推薦。 在這之前,我是個純種的PC使用者。從高中的Intel 486 DX-33+MS DOS 6.X開始,到大學時把Pentium 266超頻成450MHz來做電腦動畫,研究所時期用遠端桌面遙控的NB寫論文,再一路到職場工作,我一直都是PC的愛用者,而且從未使用過Mac。之前也曾經聽過很多Mac user的使用心得,像是「用...
Команда IF в MS-DOS 30 May 2012 | 03:41 am
Выполнение команд при наличии определенного условия Форматы команды: if условие команда if not условие команда Условия: errorlevel - проверка кода завершения программы, сработавшей перед оператором IF...
Pengenalan DOS 22 Sep 2011 | 03:33 pm
DOS Singkatan dari Disk Operating System. DOS dapat mengacu pada beberapa sistem operasi (FreeDOS, PC-DOS) tapi lebih populer sebagai singkatan dari MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). Awalnya ...
BIOS / MS-DOS bootdisk mit Linux 4 Dec 2009 | 05:11 am
Zum Flashen diverser BIOS oder Firmware Dateien braucht Mensch ab + zu eine MS-DOS Bootdisk. Wie macht das ein Linux-Benutzer? Nun - mit dd. Aber woher das Image nehmen? Da waren die Leute von bootdi...
Command Prompt Windows XP 8 Oct 2011 | 08:15 pm
Microsoft Disk Operating System atau sering disebut MS-DOS adalah sistem operasi berbasis baris peritnah (command line). Seperti sistem operasi lainnya, MS-DOS berfungsi untuk menerjemahkan input dari...
MS DoS and Koran 12 Mar 2011 | 07:13 pm
This post examines some similarities between Islam and MS DOS and between Bill Gates and Mohummad. Most of the observations also apply for the other desert faith and its idols – christianity, jesus an...