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Rollover Jackpot for Friday EuroMillions 10 Apr 2013 | 02:29 pm
The EuroMillions game this Friday 12 April will offer a rollover jackpot of around £22 million after no player was able to win the £12.85 million that was up for grabs in the midweek draw. The last tw...
Lotto Creates Fifth Jackpot Winner of April 8 Apr 2013 | 02:13 pm
The Lotto game created its fifth jackpot winner of the month thus far on Saturday, which isn’t bad at all when you consider that April is barely a week old. The latest success earned one ticket–holder...
More future predictions lottery related news:
Astrology Zodiac Signs Tips for predictions 6 Mar 2012 | 12:20 am
Most of NRI want to know about 2012 feng shui tips for particular zodiac signs, as the guaranteed feng shui hints for all Chinese zodiac signs are ready now. As with any future predictions, consider t...
FUTURE PREDICTED: WHAT WILL 2012 BRING? 1 Jan 2012 | 11:31 am
Marketing asked industry execs to make a few bold predictions for 2012, and they did not disappoint. They say it will be the year that the Wild West of social media gets tamed. We’ll see an increased ...
Top Investment Types 13 Dec 2008 | 11:47 pm
Top Investment Types have been ranked by Investors. Top investment types 1. Stocks 2. Mutual Funds 3. Property 4. Bonds 5. Short term deposits 6. Futures 7. Lottery Top Investment Types Top Propert...
How to un-know the future? 12 Oct 2011 | 06:25 am
Predicting the future sounds like humbug but in fact it is something very innate to humans, and a huge part of everyday business. People make sense of the world by building models and operate in diffe...
Future Prediction: Laptops will All Have Touch Screens by 2013 (or sooner) 3 Aug 2011 | 02:11 pm
I was looking back over my blog history and noticed that three years ago I predicted that all new laptops would be touchscreen in 5 years. At the time my logic was that once you used a touch interface...
Tarot - The art of card reading to predict future 11 Sep 2011 | 02:54 am
Tarot is a type of astrology. In simple term Tarot is an art of future prediction by using card reading. The Tarot is an ancient meditative discipline by which one can gain access to higher levels of ...
Australia Migration “out of control” 11 Apr 2010 | 06:09 pm
Australia’s opposition political party, The Coalition, says Australia will not be able to cope with the future predicted population levels that are estimated to 36 million by 2050 and that increased i...
Bright Future Predicted For Gold and Investors 30 Aug 2012 | 09:01 pm
Gold has not been on the profitable end of the market in recent times and bullion investors were very withdrawn in terms of the volume of gold traded. In the past few years, gold was one of the safest...
Salesforce CEO Benioff: Win 8 is 'the end of Windows' 20 Oct 2012 | 04:17 am
Shocks world with cloudy future prediction The official launch of Windows 8 is only a week away, but CEO Marc Benioff won't be making the upgrade, and he doesn't think most enterprise ...
Snippet SNPit Song – So Long 2012 … 24 Dec 2012 | 09:21 pm
- anu acharya ACTACTCATCATCACGACGACGCAGCAGCGCGATGCTGCGCTCGTCGTCGTCGTGGTCGTCGTCG Past, Present and looking at the future, Prediction is a sport serving as a society’s suture, Mayans, Incans, Romans, Gr...