Most global market segmentation related news are at:

12 things to expect from 2012 5 Jan 2012 | 12:16 am
I don’t know about you, but I had an interesting year in 2011…and while I wouldn’t usually do a predictions post, this year I couldn’t resist… Four things that we thought would happen in 2011 that di...
On aid 19 Oct 2011 | 09:28 pm
When will the world learn that it’s not the size of the aid, it’s the way you use it?
More global market segmentation related news:
[Blog CPC AD] TLVMedia - Display Optimization 21 Mar 2012 | 03:46 am
TLVMedia is the industry innovator within efficiency dependent banner advertising, enabling web publishers and marketers access to global market segments using distinctive, advanced engineeri...
WELCOME TO SAPFANS 16 Feb 2010 | 07:11 pm
FROM START-UP SOFTWARE VENDOR TO GLOBAL MARKET LEADER Over the course of three decades, SAP has evolved from a small, regional enterprise into a world-class international company. Today, SAP is the g...
Synthetic drugs on the rise according to UN drug report 28 Jun 2011 | 04:39 am
synthetic-drugs.jpg Synthetic drugs shown above While global markets for cocaine, heroin and cannabis declined or remained stable, the production and abuse of prescription opioid drugs and new synth...
What’s that? You don’t have a website? 18 Apr 2012 | 01:53 pm
I’m always surprised by the amount of small to medium businesses without a functioning website. The advantages of having a website is countless. It’s absolutely critical in today’s global markets that...
Global Market for Printed Electronics to Reach $12.6 Billion in 2016 17 Apr 2012 | 02:16 pm
MONTREAL, April 11, 2012 /ELECTRONICS.CA PUBLICATIONS, the electronics industry market research and knowledge network, announces the availability of a new report entitled “Printed Electronics: The Glo...
WebCasper:: Logo Designing Services 10 Jun 2007 | 11:09 am
For any company logo is the identity, it is the only things which identify and represent you in this vast global market. Your logo needs to look good on a business card, a fax, a document, a website, ...
Web Design Company 29 May 2012 | 02:12 am
If you looking for a Web design company in Dubai, look no further, Media Fusion is a professional graphic and web design company serving a global market. We specialise in design for print & web and ta...
How to start online casino 19 Oct 2008 | 07:21 am
Today all businesses are looking towards the internet to reach the global market and gambling is not far behind. There are many online casinos and gaming portals that offer millions of prize money for...
UX / Interaction design project for Konnect2, a fin tech start-up 29 May 2012 | 03:45 am
We’re a tech startup servicing a segment of the securities trading industry. Our market segment is undergoing tremendous changes as it responds to the Dodd-Frank upheaval, while simultaneously confron...
DFW International Airport Announces New Global Marketing Initiative 9 Jun 2007 | 10:08 am
The DFW International Airport Board of Directors has recently approved a major new marketing initiative–this new global marketing initiative is aimed at bringing increased air passenger traffic to and...