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More global menu applet related news:
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin Final released! 26 Apr 2012 | 10:27 pm
Ubuntu announced the official release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin few seconds before. Packed up with further refined Unity interface and global menu and more stuff, the Pangolin is ready to b...
Llega Global Menu a Firefox (Instalación) 16 Nov 2010 | 10:31 am
Firefox 3.6.12 y Globalmenu funcionando en Ubuntu 10.10 El procedimiento descrito a continuación se realizó sobre Ubuntu 10.10 y Firefox 3.6.12 Hace un par de años leía por parte de un desarrollador...
Mengaktifkan Global Menu di LibreOffice Ubuntu 11.04 31 Mar 2011 | 03:08 pm
Global-menu adalah menu bar global bersama dari setiap applikasi yang dijalankan pada desktop anda.Anda dapat memasang global-menu pada aplikasi LibreOffice dengan memsang lo-menubar lo-menubar dapat...
CustomMenu 1.0 Released 1 Dec 2012 | 01:05 pm
CustomMenu lets you build your own global menu containing your favorite apps, files and folders. Once created, you can easily open apps and files or browse folders and access their contents from any a...
Add a global menu to your network 28 Jan 2013 | 05:13 am
About a year and a half ago I released the Network Wide Menu. Tonight, I made the network wide menu available on github. When I released it there were quite a few people hoping that it added/output a ...
May Day LA: What (who) is being served? A menu 27 Apr 2012 | 11:43 pm
Feed The Poor! Eat the Rich! Feed the Poor! Eat the Rich! May 1st, We Eat! We’re not promoting cannibalism here at, but you really have to wonder — if the global capitalists c...
LibreOffice 3.4 Vai Ter Suporte Nativo no Menu Global do Ubuntu 12 May 2011 | 04:19 am
por: Susan Linton – 10 de Maio de 2011 tradução: Paulo de Souza Lima Os desenvolvedores da The Document Foundation e do LibreOffice têm estado um tanto ocupados. A fundação está preparando-se para a...
Day 27-Working With Joomla Tools Menu 18 Jun 2010 | 06:15 am
Yesterday I wrote about Global Check – In in article Day-26. Today I will write on Cache Manager next to Global Check – In under tools , What is Cache Manager and how it works. Let’s start with the ...
A Menu for Survival 12 Dec 2011 | 07:15 pm
By Joseph Rydholm I and Emily Goon In its fourth-quarter 2008 earnings report, McDonald’s reported that same-store sales increased by an impressive 5 percent in the U.S. and 7.2 percent globally. Thos...
Max Slope and Create Line from Selected Points 1 May 2011 | 06:15 am
Two new features were added today (April 30, 2011) to Global Mapper 12.02. Advanced Feature Creation sub-menu of the Digitizer Tool allowing you to create a new line feature by finding a path connecti...