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微信机器人高级版升级到2.1,支持自定义菜单 26 Aug 2013 | 09:08 pm
微信升级到 5.0 之后,公众号分为服务号和订阅号,服务号都可以申请自定义菜单,所以微信机器人也发布 2.1 版本,支持了自定义菜单功能。 申请到自定义菜单之后,在基本设置里面输入 AppID 和 AppSecret: 然后在微信机器人下面就有“自定义菜单”这个子菜单,按照自己设置输入按钮,和子按钮,选择类型,你在前面高级设置,自定义回复中设置的关键字,这里都能使用,如我的设置: 设置好之后...
WordPress 技巧:只有指定的 shortcode 存在时才载入相关脚本文件 24 Aug 2013 | 08:36 pm
WordPress 3.6 版本增加了一个新的函数 has_shortcode(),这个函数的主要功能就是检测指定内容里是否存在指定的 Shortcode 使用,带来的好处就是只在有使用指定 Shortcode 的文章页面才载入相关脚本文件,这样细微纠结虽然不能给页面载入带来可见的载入速度提升,但锱铢必较向来是我的癖好,好的习惯总能带来不错的效果的。 可以点击 has_shortcode() 查...
More google utm 参数 related news:
Google Analytics UTM Tagging 11 Sep 2011 | 11:25 pm
Come monitorare campagne pubblicitarie fuori AdWords
Subway 24 Feb 2011 | 09:06 pm
sumber gambar dari Google Subway.. Mesti korang pernah dengar kan.. Saje aku nak share dengan korang tentang antara makanan kegemaranku sejak aku mula-mula belajar kat UTM dulu.. Hehe.. Subway ini....
Utm.gif di Google Analytics - Infographics 27 Nov 2011 | 03:39 am
Ciao a tutti, Ho trovato questo infographic davvero interessante: spiega in modo molto bene da quali “parti” è composto un cookie di Google Analytics. Dateci un occhio e provate a verificarlo anche ...
Official FanVsFan Blog Launched 16 Oct 2009 | 03:51 am
We are pleased to launch the Official FanVsFan Blog. You can expect to hear about our latest features, where the UTM has been and is going, and more. If you use a feed reader, like Google Reader, you...
Come tracciare un Post FaceBook su Analytics 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Usare i parametri UTM URL generator per tracciare il comportamento del traffico di una campagna FaceBook o di un post nel monitoraggio dati di Google Analytics
Using and Standardizing UTM Campaign Variables in GA 13 Nov 2012 | 01:02 pm
The utm_ variables are one of the most powerful features of Google Analytics. UTM variables allow you to insert your own user-defined campaign source data into Google Analytics reports. For example, i...
Using and Standardizing UTM Campaign Variables in GA 3 Apr 2013 | 01:08 am
The utm_ variables are one of the most powerful features of Google Analytics. UTM variables allow you to insert your own user-defined campaign source data into Google Analytics reports. For example, i...
Google Analytics Common Errors 21 Mar 2013 | 08:34 pm
I found a great article online about common issues with GA reporting and if you are using UTM strings it’s even more important to understand these issues. Thank you crazyegg! 1 – Failure to tag pag...
UTM & Cost Data Import модул 17 Jun 2013 | 03:00 am
За да проследявате своите Pay-Per-Click реклами в Google Analytics, най-удобно и точно е да използвате UTM тагове. Те се прикрепят към всеки един линк, водещ към вашия сайт. По този начин можете да из...
UTM Webfilter blockt gesamten www traffic 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Hallo Community, ich habe bei meiner Sophos Utm (9.105-9) Homeversion seit gestern morgen das Phänomen, dass der Webfilter den gesamten Internettraffic blockt. Ping auf google bring nur 50% Pakete d...